1 Jo Lambert and Paul Meehan. JUSP aims Supports libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e- journals.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Jo Lambert and Paul Meehan

JUSP aims Supports libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e- journals collections to inform evaluation and decision-making processes Enables usage comparisons and trend analysis

JUSP in numbers

4 Development partners

How is JUSP used? » Making effective use of staff time » Assisting academic departments in understanding resource use » Collecting data for regular reporting and decision making » Informing decisions for substitutions and cancellations » Benchmarking usage » Use cases available at:

What do libraries say about JUSP? The best thing about JUSP is: “Statistics gathering would be more of a drudge and I would be an unhappier Librarian. JUSP = Happiness ” “It saves me time and gives me confidence that errors in usage data can be picked up and addressed collaboratively.” “Very customer focused and develops in response to customer needs” “Wouldn't be without it”

7 Key principles » User centred development to align with user workflows » Continual community engagement » Standards based: COUNTER » Interoperability: stats tools, LMS, KB+

What data is collected? JR1 - Journal Report 1: Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal JR1a - Journal Report 1a: Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal JR1 GOA - Number of Successful Gold Open Access Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal JR5 – Coming soon

How is JUSP data presented? JUSP report typeJUSP report title Journal level reports JR1, JR1a and JR1 GOA reports JR1 reports inc gateways and intermediaries JR1 reports excluding backfile usage Individual journal search and usage Summary reports SCONUL return Annual summary of publisher usage Annual summary use of gateway and host intermediaries Annual summary use of backfiles Number of titles and requests in usage ranges Trends over time - tables and graphs Titles with the highest use Breakdown of publisher and gateway usage (title and year)(title and date range) Titles and deals reports Titles included in deals (year/multiple years) Compare deals Titles vs NESLi2 deals Compare two deals from the same publisher Usage profilingThese reports enable a comparison of usage from a particular publisher with an average for all libraries for which we hold data from that publisher in JUSP and that are in the same Jisc band and region, and in the groups (pre-1992, post-1992, RLUK, 1994 etc) to which their institution belongs

10 Reports and features » 4 journal level reports, including JR1; gateway data; JR1 minus JR1a / JR1 GOA; journal search » 12 summary reports, including SCONUL; top titles; breakdown of usage by date range and publisher » 8 titles and deals reports including titles v deals; title lists; comparison of deals » Usage profiling report – compare your site with others in your band / groups / region / consortium

11 Gathering the data » SUSHI – Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative: machine to machine; JUSP only works with vendors offering a SUSHI service » We routinely collect approximately 7,000 JR1, JR1a and JR1 GOA reports per month across >60 publishers for between 8 and 151 sites » Additional and ongoing tasks: Backdata / new publishers and sites / ‘gap filling’ accounts / restated data e.g. we recently replaced 10 months of JR1a data from OUP for 149 sites

12 Processing the data » Every report is checked visually, and by in-house software prior to loading » Visual checks – correct number of files collected, right file sizes, check for SUSHI errors such as ‘partial data’, ‘service busy’, etc. » Automated checking software – missing titles, missing identifiers, wrong file formatting, missing total counts; if file is processed successfully, a load file is generated, otherwise it is rejected and we need to check further » Errors either fixed (e.g. add journal to database, add identifier) or passed back to publisher (e.g. globally blank identifiers, missing totals) » No reports or data added to JUSP unless we’re 100% happy!

13 When you login » Run a report » News » Your data » Your deals and suppliers / archive deals and suppliers » Current publisher issues » SUSHI server administration » Community area

Journal-level reports - The JR1 report

Journal-level reports – JR1 including gateways and host intermediaries

Journal-level reports – JR1 reports excluding backfile usage and GOA

Summary reports – SCONUL return

Summary reports - Annual summary of use of gateways and host intermediaries

Summary reports – Number of titles and requests in various usage ranges

20 Titles and deal reports – Titles included in deals » Title lists sourced from kbplus > Jisc Collections > publisher » Titles included in deals per year » Titles included in deals across multiple years (see changes) » Titles included in archive per year » Compare two deals from the same publisher (purchasing etc.)

Titles and deals reports – View usage of titles and deals

Usage profiling Calendar year and academic year versions available!

23 Beyond journals » Funded by Jisc to provide a new ebook usage statistics service from 2015 » Exploring provision of additional resource types, e.g. multimedia, database usage statistics » Work to align with KB+ ebook project

24 If you’d like to know more » Website: » Helpdesk: