RUSICH ANDREA, DANIELIS ROMEO DEAMS – UNIVERSITY OF TRIESTE RIUNIONE FINALE Un Electric Car Club per il Friuli Venezia Giulia A software able to support decision makers in car choice problem
THE AGENDA 1. The car choice problem 2. The research approach 3. The Decision Support Model (DSM) methodology 4. The DSM software 5. Software output 1. The car choice problem 2. The research approach 3. The Decision Support Model (DSM) methodology 4. The DSM software 5. Software output
1. THE CAR CHOICE PROBLEM The choice of buying a car involves a careful evaluation of several parameters: S UBJECTIVE ASPECTS : Design; Comfort; brand consideration; final use; etc. O BJECTIVE ASPECTS : Purchase price; operational costs; energy and environmental efficiency; etc. In addition, the complexity and the limited availability of information on the variables to be considered may lead to a suboptimal choice.
2. THE RESEARCH APPROACH D ECISION MAKER : Mobility Manager O BJECTIVE PARAMETERS : Private Cost (Lifetime ownership cost) Social Cost (noise and air pollution cost) Energy Consumption Finally, the decision-maker choices the option that feels best. The aim is to show how a Decision Support Model could be useful to suggest the optimal car choice to decision makers in relation of their mobility patterns.
4. THE DSM SOFTWARE The DSM software is an Excel file including: A database with the data concerning 60 car models on sale in Italy The DSM algorithm The DSM interface for different fuel options comparison The DSM interface
5. SOFTWARE OUTPUT The DSM graphic and numerical interface
MAIN HELPFUL INFORMATION: 1. To identify which type of fuel option is more convenient given a driving pattern; 2. To indicate when the Break Even Point (BEP) of an investment in an electric or hybrid car is achieved. 1. To identify which type of fuel option is more convenient given a driving pattern; 2. To indicate when the Break Even Point (BEP) of an investment in an electric or hybrid car is achieved. Suggest when for a company should be convinient to introduce green cars in its fleet