Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : Introduction to De-Oiling IC/SEP An De-Oiling Induced Cyclonic Separator (IC/SEP) system has the ability to further improve the quality of treated waste water for discharge direct into the environment. A completed IC/SEP system The IC/SEP is a highly innovative solid-liquid and liquid-liquid separation system. Developed in Australia, the IC/SEP is set to revolutionise the way flotation systems have been received. The IC/SEP reduces costs, provides unrivaled separation efficiencies, requires less chemicals, less space, and can perform separation operations previously impossible to achieve.
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : Introduction to De-Oilin IC/SEP The Domino IC/SEP utilises two separate technologies to achieve it's results: a Domino VGS (Vertical Gravity Separator) Induced Cyclonic Separation. By combining these technologies we are not only able to separate free oil and suspended solids, but also remove small droplets of oil that are trapped in the water column and don’t readily travel to the surface. Suspended solids are reduced. BOD & COD levels decrease. LSV VGS
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : How the VGS Works The main pit is treated by a Domino VGS (Vertical Gravity Separator), which continuously skims the free oil out of the pit. The Domino Separator works by ingenious control of both fluid velocity and pressure. These forces gently coax non- emulsified impurities from water, allowing high-density contaminants to fall to the bottom of the vessel, and the and low density suspended solids to rise to the top of the separator.
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : How the De-Oiling IC/SEP Works The IC/SEP operates by inducing air into the oil/water stream prior to the pump. As the mixture is forced through the IC/SEP, the air and oil droplets are sheared and then dynamically mixed with the water and suspended solids. The homogenous mix is then discharged into the LSV where rapid gravitational separation takes place. The air encapsulated oil droplets and suspended solids move to the surface and are then returned to the main pit. Addition of chemicals can enhance the process to remove sub- mirror particles, metals, pigments etc.
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W :
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : De-Oiling IC/SEP Features & Benefits Superior separation of contaminants. Up to 95% reduction in BOD, COD and suspended solids. Air aspiration straight from atmosphere; no air blower or compressor required. Small footprint, reduced capital costs. No moving parts (except pump), minimal maintenance. Process efficiency improvement. Capture and re-use move valuable resource material, while water is also cleaner than with similar systems. Modular design and ease of scale up. Reduced chemical consumption. More compact sludges.
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : Scaled Up De-Oiling ICSEP Version Above ground systems are required by some industries.
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W :
Everything Water | PH : +61 (7) | E: | W : Some clients using De-Oiling IC/SEP Overseas customers Isuzu Truck CorporationJapan ST AerospaceSingapore Municpal Council of BangkokThailand Taiwan China Steel AluminiumTaiwan Mitsui CorporationJapan Shell CompanyPapua New Guinea Customers throughout Australia Toll TransportQLD Toyota AustraliaVIC Mackay City CouncilQLD Redcliffe Shire CouncilQLD Redland Shire CouncilQLD Norwood CouncilSA Shell Company AustraliaVIC Shell Service StationsNSW Energy & DevelopmentNSW