Health Assets Mapping: GRHAM, ARHAP, HealthMapper & More.


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Presentation transcript:

Health Assets Mapping: GRHAM, ARHAP, HealthMapper & More

Health Assets Mapping 1) What do we mean by mapping? 2) Mapping initiatives in progress - ARHAP, PQMD, GRHAM 3) Status of Mapping in various countries 4) Mapping Software demonstrations 5) Next Steps

What is Mapping? Mapping of Religious Health Assets is a spectrum of activities to facilitate macro & micro-planning. Mapping of Religious Health Assets is a spectrum of activities to facilitate macro & micro-planning. Health Assets includes health facilities, programs, congregational health, human resources, etc. Health Assets includes health facilities, programs, congregational health, human resources, etc. Mapping must be much more than the GIS pinpointing of health facilities on a map. Mapping must be much more than the GIS pinpointing of health facilities on a map. Mapping can also be a participatory process for analyzing and using mapping data in decision- making at all levels. Mapping can also be a participatory process for analyzing and using mapping data in decision- making at all levels.


SANRU III Vaccination Coverage in DR Congo

Why Mapping? Faith-Based Organizations provide significant health services in the developing world Faith-Based Organizations provide significant health services in the developing world

FBO Network Opportunities in Africa African CHAs African CHAs Lesotho – CHAL Lesotho – CHAL Zimbabwe – ZACH Zimbabwe – ZACH Zambia – CHAZ Zambia – CHAZ Malawi – CHAM Malawi – CHAM Tanzania – CSSC Tanzania – CSSC Kenya – CHAK & KEC Kenya – CHAK & KEC Uganda – UPMB, UCMB Uganda – UPMB, UCMB Sudan - CHAS Sudan - CHAS Nigeria - CHAN Nigeria - CHAN Ghana – CHAG Ghana – CHAG Liberia – CHAL Liberia – CHAL Sierra Leone - CHASL Sierra Leone - CHASL

Why Mapping? Faith-Based Organizations provide significant health services in the developing world Faith-Based Organizations provide significant health services in the developing world FBOs are too often not effectively integrated into national health systems FBOs are too often not effectively integrated into national health systems

The Hospitals of DR Congo (c. 1960)

Why Mapping? Faith-Based Organizations provide significant health services in the developing world Faith-Based Organizations provide significant health services in the developing world FBOs are too often not effectively integrated into national health systems FBOs are too often not effectively integrated into national health systems “Mapping” FBOs can provide information to help improve collaboration and planning among stakeholders at all levels. “Mapping” FBOs can provide information to help improve collaboration and planning among stakeholders at all levels.

Mapping Initiatives  SAM  ARHAP  PQMD  GRHAM  & More

SAM: Service Availability Mapping SAM is a tool to collect and present health services information, e.g., infrastructure, human resources and services. SAM is a tool to collect and present health services information, e.g., infrastructure, human resources and services. SAM helps district health management teams to map and monitor service and resource availability on a regular basis. SAM helps district health management teams to map and monitor service and resource availability on a regular basis. SAM is made up of a survey methodology, remote field data collection devices, and WHO's HealthMapper application SAM is made up of a survey methodology, remote field data collection devices, and WHO's HealthMapper application

SAM Findings The SAM can provide a snapshot of service availability for key interventions such as HIV/AIDS, MCH, TB and other services. The SAM can provide a snapshot of service availability for key interventions such as HIV/AIDS, MCH, TB and other services. PDAs are a useful way of collecting information PDAs are a useful way of collecting information While there has been an effort to include private facilities, these facilities are under reported While there has been an effort to include private facilities, these facilities are under reported Validation studies have shown how to improve SAM in terms of process, questionnaire & implementation. Validation studies have shown how to improve SAM in terms of process, questionnaire & implementation.

14 African Religious Health Assets Programme (ARHAP) Mapping and Strengthening Assets, Agency, and Alignment

Overall ARHAP Purpose: To develop a systematic knowledge base of religious health assets in sub-Saharan AfricaTo develop a systematic knowledge base of religious health assets in sub-Saharan Africa To align and enhance the work of religious health leaders & public policy decision-makers in their collaborative effort to meet the challenge of disease such as HIV/AIDS…To align and enhance the work of religious health leaders & public policy decision-makers in their collaborative effort to meet the challenge of disease such as HIV/AIDS… To participate in the creation of health, especially for those in poverty…To participate in the creation of health, especially for those in poverty… And…to foster a truly global initiative.

WHO Project: Lesotho & Zambia  Identify, assess, and map Religious Health Assets, in support of HIV/AIDS and related programs at the Province or District Level  Two ComplementaryWays of Mapping I. Participatory Mapping (community & leadership) Appreciative Inquiry (AI)Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Participatory Learning and Action (PLA)Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) II. GIS Mapping Based on WHO’s HealthMapper SystemBased on WHO’s HealthMapper System

Mushili Community Workshop – Ndola, Zambia, Nov ‘05

PIRHANA: Participatory Inquiry into Religious Health Assets, Networks, and Agency 1) Context for religion and health in this community 2) Factors For and Against Health &Well-Being 3) Public/Private Entities and Relative Contributions to Health & Well-Being 4) Relative Contribution of Religion to Health, Well- Being, HIV/AIDS 5) “Best” or ”Most Effective” Religious Entities & Programs 6) Local Commitment and Follow-up

ARHAP Next Steps  Deeper Analysis of Workshop Data  Follow-up for Greater Profiling & “Best Practices”  Synthesis, Comparison, Contrasting of Findings  Integration with WHO’s HealthMapper System  Strengthened Networking of Community & Province  Potential Replication through ARHAP Training and Technical Assistance

PQMD: Partnership for Quality Medical Donations Mission: Dedicated to high standards in medical products for under-served people. Mission: Dedicated to high standards in medical products for under-served people. The fundamental purpose of GIS in philanthropy and grant making is to identify the geographical areas that require the greatest potential for giving or receiving.

PQMD Mapping Objectives 1) Mapping to assist members in info sharing and planning, e.g., monitoring product donations 2) Educate the public about member work 3) Facilitate discussion with key stakeholders to leverage resources and identify unmet needs

Google Mapping  “Google” mapping is a technique to estimate GIS coordinates through satellite maps rather than through direct measurement with GPS units.  See Glen Brubaker of I.M.A. for more information

GRHAM: Global Religious Health Assets Mapping Putting Faith-Based Organizations "on the map"

Goals of GRHAM Data Collection: 1) Facilities, 2) Programs, 3) Partners Data Collection: 1) Facilities, 2) Programs, 3) Partners Information Sharing: Websites, Conferences, Publications Information Sharing: Websites, Conferences, Publications Improved Coordination & Health: Improved Coordination & Health: Faith-Based Associations: improve networking & visibility Faith-Based Associations: improve networking & visibility Donors & MOH : integrate FBOs into system & projects Donors & MOH : integrate FBOs into system & projects Missions & Int’l Agencies: improve coordination Missions & Int’l Agencies: improve coordination Churches & Individuals: establish/nurture partnerships Churches & Individuals: establish/nurture partnerships

Map of CHAK Facilities

Summary of CHAK Facilities by Region

Searching GRHAM

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Linked to Source Websites

GRHAM Partners  Christian Health Associations: data collection  WHO: Health Mapper & Service Area Mapping  The ACCESS project: Maternal & Newborn Care  The CAPACITY Project: Human Resource Mapping  PQMD (Partnership for Quality Medical Donations)  GMI (Global Mapping Int’l): On the fly mapping  ARHAP (African Religious Health Assets Program)  JSI (John Snow International): Mapping training

PEPFAR & Mapping

GRAHM Mapping Activities currently in process in Tanzania 1)Establish a mapping point focal within each FBO network 2)Assess mapping status. Does it include FBO assets? 3)Establish a basic health facilities & program dataset 4)Enrich the dataset Additional info, via secondary sources or site visits, e.g. partners Establish Mapping coordinates for health facilities Add program specific info, e.g., for ACCESS or CAPACITY 5)Create Static Maps using GIS software 6)Create/share info via GRHAM website 7)Use maps & data to increase FBO visibility/collaboration