Participating in IST: Learning from Experience Carlos Salema
Outline 1.Introduction: Portugal - facts and figures IST - Instituto Superior Técnico IT - Instituto de Telecomunicações 2.Portuguese participation in the IST Programme 3.Contracts 4.Conclusion: Learning from experience
Europe and Portugal
Portugal - Some figures Area km 2 Population Cellular phones Debit cards R&D expense B$ 0.85 % GDP Researchers (FTE) % AP
Portugal - R&D 1.R&D Expenses / GDP 0.85 % 2.Public funding 61.1 % 3.Private sector funding31.5 % 4.Higher Education execution 35.6 % 5.Public sector execution19.8 % 6.Private sector execution34.4 %
Portugal - R&D
Portugal - Number of Ph.D./year
IST - History CHRONOLOGY Campus Alameda Interdisciplinary Complex North Tower Post-Grad. Building Science Building Campus Taguspark South Tower Social Action Building Creation of IST 6 years5 years Creation of Departments 5 years Nº of courses Course duration Nº of Students Edification
IST - Campuses Alameda CampusTaguspark Campus Campus Total Area Classrooms and Lecture Halls Study Rooms and Libraries Labs, Workshops and Computer Rooms Offices, Secretariats, Services and Meeting Rooms m m m m m m m m m m2
IST - Mission Education Links with Society Research and Development IST
IST - Education 21 Undergraduate / Graduate Programmes 31 Master’s Programmes 39 Other Postgraduate Courses 22 Doctoral (PhD) Programmes
IST - Facts and Figures Doctorate Students Undergraduate Students Master’s Students Professors 774 Non-teaching staff 565 Total Students
IST - Diplomas awarded per year
IST - Student Mobility Mobility under SOCRATES/ERASMUS PROGRAMME Mobility under ATHENS PROGRAMME Students Abroad 132 Foreign Students in IST 124 Students Abroad 40 Cooperation Protocols with universities Exchange students/professors256 Other Cooperation Programmes Portuguese Speaking African Countries 190 students enrolled at IST
IST - Funding sources Expected income of 106 Million Euros in 2005 State Budget 52% Balances 13% Science and Technology Foundation 9% Provision of services 8% Tuition fees and other income 8% European Union 7% Others 4%
IST - Research and Development Provision of services European Union National R&D Projects (Thousands of Euros) International National 46% (N=325) 23% (N=167) 31% (N=221) 29% (N=7500) 38% (N=9600) 33% (N=8600) Type of R&D Projects Provision of services
IST - Links with Society Interface R&D Institutes ICIST Institute for Structural Engineering,Territory and Construction ISR Institute for Systems and Robotics IDMEC Institute for Mechanical Engineering IT Institute for Telecommunications ICTPOL Institute for Polymer Science and Technology ICEMS Institute for Science and Engineering of Materials and Surfaces ICTM Institute for Materials Science and Technology
Instituto de Telecomunicações
IT - Legal Status & Associates Private association Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) University of Coimbra (FCTUC) University of Aveiro (UA) University of Aveiro (UA) Portugal Telecom Inovação Portugal Telecom Inovação Siemens Portugal SA Siemens Portugal SA Not for profit Not for profit Public body Associate Laboratory Associate Laboratory
IT - Mission To create and disseminate new knowledge and to promote advanced training in the field of telecommunications
IST - Location Lisboa Coim bra Aveiro Covilhã Leiria
IT - Organization Enabling Technologies Basic Sciences & RadioCommOpticalComm Networks and Multimedia
IT - Human Resources PositionAveiroCoimbraLisboaTotal Assistant Junior Prof Assoc. Prof Full Prof Coord. Prof0224 Graduates MSc Student PhD Student Post Grads2024 Total
Portuguese Participation in the IST Programme
Call 1- All proposals Budget 1071 M€ Proposals submitted 1396 Proposals funded 226 Average success rate 16 %
Call 2 - All proposals Budget 525 M€ Proposals submitted 1079 Proposals funded 148 Success rate 14 %
Call 1 - Portuguese participation Proposals submitted 272 Proposals funded 44 Success rate 16 % Funding (contract) 12.3 M€ Funding / Call budget 1.1 %
Call 2 - Portuguese participations Proposals submitted 154 Proposals funded 25 Success rate 16 % Funding 7.5 M€ Funding / Call budget 1.4 %
Call 1 - Funded proposals Portugal Integrated projects (IP) 13 Networks of Excellence (NoE) 17 Projects (STREP) 9 Coordinating Actions (CA) 3 Strategic Support Actions (SSA) 2 Proposals funded (total) 44
Call 2 - Funded proposals Portugal Integrated projects (IP) 9 Networks of Excellence (NoE) 2 Projects (STREP) 11 Coordinating Actions (CA) 1 Strategic Support Actions (SSA) 2 Proposals funded (total) 25
Call 1- Portuguese participations Universities25 Industry 15 R&D Centres 24 State Labs 7 Participations in 44 proposals71
France9 United Kingdom8 Germany 5 Spain5 Italy 5 Others 12 Funded proposals 44 Call 1- Portuguese partners
Instruments Integrated projects (IP) Networks of Excellence (NoE) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Coordination Actions (CA) Special Support Actions (SSA)
Points to remember Types of contracts: FC, FCF, AC Overheads: 20 % (FCF e AC) Joint and several responsibility Public body Value added tax
Why participate ? Improve your R&D skills and practices Work with the best Internationalize, be a part of the big picture Help attract foreign R&D investment Funding is helpful but not the driving force (nor even absolutely essential)
How to be successful ? Get the information early Read the documentation (including contracts) Make sure your organization has proper accounting procedures so that you can apply for FC contracts Develop the right contacts, both at home and in the EU (visiting professorships and Ph.D. students often provide the “seed” for a successful project) Find a national institution that is willing to play the role of “locomotive”
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