VOLUNTEER TRAINING Oregon Battle of the Books
Welcome The mission of Oregon Battle of the Books is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, to promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students.
Questions SET A OBOB Level 6-9 Regional Competition Question: In which book are characters frightened by gunfire that turns out to be a friendly salute? Title : Stout-Hearted Seven Author: Neta Lohnes Frazier Page 186 SET A OBOB Level 6-9 Regional Competition CONTENT Question – Read Title before asking questions Title : Call Me Hope How much do the hiking boots cost that Hope wishes to get from the consignment shop? Answer: $14.00 Author: Gretchen Olson p questions Some titles may have more than one question Some titles may not have any questions 8 In Which Book (IWB) questions 8 Content questions Final rounds – 32 questions Score Team 1 ___ Team 2 ___
Teams Teams – up to 4 members One optional alternate One spokesperson Two teams compete during each Battle May not use any notes or lists Electronic devices, including cell phones, prohibited during Battles
Teams Team to moderator’s left Odd questions Team to moderator’s right Even questions Time begins after the question is read once 15 seconds to collaborate Question may be repeated at spokesperson’s request Repeats must take place within time limit Answer must be given immediately upon time being called
Questions Only the spokesperson’s answer will be accepted Answer is correct even if mispronounced Answer must be given immediately if spokesperson interrupts moderator Answer will be disqualified if Other team members talk while spokesperson is answering Anyone prompts the spokesperson while answering Questions answered incorrectly are repeated to opposing team 15 seconds to collaborate Play does not pass back to original team
Questions IWB questions will be read first Answer will be the title with author and must match what is written on the card Worth 5 points 3 points for first correct portion 2 points for second correct portion Content questions will be read second Worth 5 points Two-part questions 3 points for first portion 2 points for second portion
Challenges Challenge will be offered at end of each Battle by the moderator 15 seconds for teams to decide Each team may challenge one question if Team was not credited for a correct answer Opposing team was credited with an incorrect answer Spokesperson must state challenge (protocol on next slide)
Challenge Protocol 2 minutes to find and mark passage with provided sticky note Timing begins once team has books At end of 2 minutes, spokesperson must show exact wording Judges/moderator will determine success of challenge Successful challenge may result in points being amended Only one team may earn points from any given question The decision of the Battle Officials is ALWAYS final Battle is complete when Challenge is resolved Opportunity to sign score sheets has been given
Battle Rules & Procedures Each team battles twice in preliminary rounds Quarterfinal bracket seeding based on total points in the two preliminary Battles Wins in preliminary rounds do not determine who moves on to semifinals Tie breaker questions will be used after the preliminary rounds only if a tie exists between the last place qualifying teams and will be handled by the Tournament Manager.
Tie Breakers Tie breaker questions will be used, if necessary during single elimination tournament An equal number of questions will be read to each team Rounds of questions will alternate between IWB and Content questions The team with more points after equal number of questions are read will be declared winner Challenges allowed following challenge protocol
Supplies In each room, there will be: OBOB questions OBOB book sets, provided by teams Official book list Official Rules and Procedures form Coin Score sheets Stopwatch Sticky notes Pencils
Battle Officials Moderator Scorekeeper Timekeeper Two judges Each coach will serve as a judge at each Battle
Moderator’s Role In preliminary round – conduct three Battles Arrange chairs: teams face moderator, not the audience Each team provides a judge One judge sits on each side of the moderator, when possible Collect books from each team Introductions Ask that cell phones/electronic devices are turned off Photos/videos taken only before or after Battle Manage audience behavior Collaborate with judges
Coach’s Role Serve as judge for each Battle in which team participates Encourage good sportsmanship Ensure that team is polite Do not allow team or supporters to argue with officials Remember that all OBOB Officials are volunteers
Judge’s Role Two judges at each Battle Each coach will serve as judge during team’s Battle Sit to left or right of moderator Opposite side from your team, if possible Moderator will show cards to judges and confer with judges when team answer is not exact Moderator may make final decision, if necessary Decisions by moderator/judges are final No further discussion may be entertained
Scorekeeper’s Role Keep score in visible location One official will keep paper score sheet Write school names on correct location after coin toss Award points correctly Add up points at end of Battle Compare scores with Official Score Sheet Ask to pause Battle should scoring conflict arise
Official Score Sheet Example score sheet for 16 questions battle
Timekeeper’s Role Oversee coin toss Start stopwatch as soon as moderator finishes reading question Call time after 15 seconds Follow challenge protocol Call time at end of each time period 15 seconds to determine challenge 2 minutes to complete challenge
Everyone’s Role Keep mission statement in mind at all times Ultimate goal: promote reading and have fun! Good sportsmanship is a must Keep in mind that OBOB is operated by volunteers
Thank you for your support of Oregon Battle of the Books