Living Geography Here at the GA we are increasingly using this term when we talk teaching geography in such a way that it comes `alive for pupils. We are beginning to work on some defining principles. These include: it embraces young peoples geographies it is current and futures oriented it is often `local but always set in the wider (global) context it investigates changing environments it encourages critical understanding of `sustainable development The work that we do via this project emphasises four key aspects: Engaging in practical 'curriculum making' Capturing the sense of motivating 'living geography' Learning Outside the Classroom Education for Sustainable Development
Planning focus areas Knowledge and understanding of patterns and processes. – Identify and describe what places are like. Knowledge and understanding of environmental change. – Make observations about where things are located. Recognise changes in the environment - e.g where broken glass has caused a hazard. Key Questions What is it like to live in my locality ? (Southborough) How can I observe and record features of my locality in an entertaining and thought provoking way? How can I record locations on a map and plan and use this to find locations during fieldwork? How is the environment around me changing and how has it become the way it is? What is my perception of places in Southborough and how have these changed during the making of the film? Geographical skills Fieldwork? Identify locations within Southborough that present dangers or difficulties for pedestrians. Use maps and plans to mark a route to visit these locations and use them as film locations to re-tell a narrative story. Visit locations and record film footage. Record environmental hazards and dangers with photography and sketches. Identify the causes of some of the environmental hazards in Southborough. Aspects of ESD Economic, Environmental, Social / 8 doorways / ESD concepts?.Recognise how the environment is influenced and affected by human activity. Recognise how aspects of the environment can be sustained, developed and improved Links with other curricular areas Literacy- linked to Year 2 Narrative unit on traditional tales. Production of multimodal texts using images and sound. Links to speaking and listening, reading and narrative writing elements of Literacy. ICT- use of digital recording equipment for capturing images and sound. Basic editing techniques taught as an extension activity where appropriate. Design Technology- Design of DVD cover for film product. Music- percussion performance for sound effects. Resources Digital video camera and tripod, Costumes and simple sets for interiors. Apple Macbook laptop with Imovie for editing and IDVD for burning. Audacity for sound editing. Audio Network sound library for sound effects and music score. Edirol digital voice recorder for recording of narrative. The True Story of Little Red Riding Hood - A Geographical Adventure through Southborough What do I want pupils to get out of this? Jonathon Kersey