UHI Millennium Institute and The University of Aberdeen working in partnership K4P- Resume Carer stress: Paid carers experience less stress than unpaid Male carers are less likely to access support services 1:1 contact with professional workers greatly valued Person –centred counselling: Findings are that a person – centred counselling service would be welcomed on both mainland and outer isles
UHI Millennium Institute and The University of Aberdeen working in partnership K4P- Resume Influence of Diagnosis: Majority of service providers felt diagnosis is important but did not influence level of service provided. People affected by dementia reported isolation was a significant issue and that there is a lack of services to alleviate that isolation Lack of local training in dementia highlighted Effectiveness of complaints procedure: No formal complaints recorded by or on behalf of PWD or memory loss Informal complaint recording shows that there are significantly more complaints from those without dementia or memory loss or their carers Where a complaint was regarding the care of someone with dementia the source of the complaint was the carer/ family
UHI Millennium Institute and The University of Aberdeen working in partnership K4P- Resume Hospital discharge experience: No recognition of named nurse No recognition as a participant in own care No recollection of SW involvement Hospital admission seen as a positive experience Feel safe at home with support Day Care: Transport is an issue More flexibility with regard to extended hours/ weekends is desired Good communication received positive comment Vacancies due to transport issue Need for further service evaluation
UHI Millennium Institute and The University of Aberdeen working in partnership K4P- Resume Reluctance to accept care at home / strategies to overcome: Possible under- reporting of the number of people with dementia at home Service user lack of insight into circumstances led to refusal of service and consequent added burden on carers Most successful method for service acceptance was by persuasion by main carer/ trusted person. Use of matched carer enabled positive relationship Use of covert service introduction / ethical issue New local arrangement seems to mitigate against consistent key worker