THE CURRENT SITUATION Our world faces an ecological crisis: ‘ Today, the dramatic threat of ecological breakdown is teaching us the extent to which greed and selfishness – both individual and collective – are contrary to the order of creation, an order which is characterized by mutual interdependence’ (The Ecological Crisis: A Common Responsibility)
FACTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS Mexico, the most populous urban region in the world, is the world’s most polluted city The city has been described as an ecological disaster A Harvard study states that soot in the air shortens the lives of 64, 000 Americans, by an average of 1-2 yrs in the most polluted areas An effect of global warming is the melting of the polar caps. By 2050, the sea will rise an estimated 20 inches, thus flooding coastal cities and forcing people to flee to higher ground Low – income people and minorities suffer more from environmental contamination that do higher – income communities A 1994 study reveals that organisms in drinking water cause an estimated 900,000 people to get sick
THREE RULES ON THE HEALTH OF OUR PLANET Everything is connected. What we do to one system affects another Everything goes somewhere. If we take something out of the earth and use it, we must dispose of its byproducts There is no such thing as free lunch. Mother nature will exact a price for our individual and collective selfishness
BIBLICAL TEACHING ON THE ENVIRONMENT Creation is good Humans are God’s special creatures Dominion over creation requires cultivation and care. God alone has sovereignty over creation Sin has led humans to abuse the gift of creation Human sin harms the earth Jesus reconciles everything to the Father, including bringing harmony to creation Jesus teaches us what it means to be a steward
THE SCOPE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM LAND Land is needed to grow food, yet the world’s topsoil is subject to water logging, salinization, and erosion Good farm land is turning into desert Urbanization is cutting into precious farmlands The loss of rainforests presents a especially grave risk for life on earth
THE SCOPE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM WATER Without water, there is no life on earth There is a crisis in availability of clean water – over 1 billion lack access to clean water An estimated 30,000 deaths daily occurred due to contaminated water and poor sanitation Industrial pollutants are a major factor in contaminating the world’s water supply (pesticides, gasoline) Oceans as source of both food and drinkable water are also immune to pollution
THE SCOPE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM AIR Air pollution and acid rain are problems in today’s world Over 20% of the world’s population breathes filthy, polluted, unhealthy air Air pollution causes respiratory diseases, eye irritation, cancer, birth defects, and other ills Acid rain (resulted from air pollution) pollutes rivers, lakes, trees, and vegetation The earth’s ozone layer has been damaged by the release of ozone – depleting substances (CFCs used in refrigeration, aircons, cleansing agents, etc.
THE SCOPE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM SPECIES EXTINCTION Pollution of air, water, and land have contributed to extinction Nearly 50% of the world’s species are on a path of extinction within the next 100 years Nearly 11% of the birds are on the brink of extinction One in eight plants are at risk of becoming extinct The world’s population is expected to double on the next 50 years which will put a tremendous strain in the ecosystem
CHURCH TEACHING ON THE ENVIRONMENT Ecological responsibility includes: Creation of a God – centered, sacramental world Respect for life Participation in the common good and solidarity Universal purpose of created things Option for the poor Authentic development, consumption and population
DECLARATION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Basic human rights such as the right to life, health, and culture can only be enjoyed in a healthy, and ecologically sound environment The right to a secure, healthy, and ecologically sound environment The right to be consulted and included in any decisions affecting the environment The right to active and free participation in planning and decision making on the impact on any development that impacts on their environment
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES (ON ENVIRONMENT) Banning substances and activities which are harmful to the environment Repairing the damage that has been done to the environment Ensuring that our natural resources are distributed fairly Reducing wasteful processes of production and patterns of consumption Ensuring that transitional and international corporations respect environmental rights