Welcome to Civics Coach Bergeron
Accountability O Merriam-Webster defines accountability as “the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions ”accountableaccount
Purpose O The purpose of this course is to teach you about the function of government in the United States. In doing so, we will explore such topics as politics, political parties, elections, etc. Your life will soon be embarking on a vast and remarkable journey and this course will help guide you in making informative decisions. O This class is a community, as the rules are the laws!!!
Classroom Expectations O If a behavior is disruptive, the teacher may have the student removed from the classroom immediately, with more extreme action to be taken in order for the learning process to continue for other students.
Behavioral Expectations O 1. Obey and follow all MHS and St. Tammany Parish School Board O policies, rules, and regulations. O 2. Follow the teacher’s directive the first time. O 3. Be on time and in the proper location at all times. You will be allowed O two unexcused tardies per grading period. The following are O consequences for excessive tardies: O 4th tardy- 15 minute lunch detention O 5th tardy- 25 minute lunch detention and a phone call to the parent/ guardian O 6th and subsequent tardies- discipline referral to the appropriate administrator O 4. Come to class prepared and stay on task at all times. O 5. Be respectful to ALL persons, including your peers, at all times.
Behavioral Expectations (cont.) O 6. Do not talk while I am talking. O 7. Do not adjust the air conditioners/ heaters at any time. O 8. Do not write on the board unless instructed to do so. O 9. My desk and beyond is off limits, including the computer on my desk. O 10. DO NOT CHEW GUM IN THIS CLASSROOM! O 11. Your ID’s must be on at all times and you must adhere to the school dress code. O 12. Cell phones and other electronic devices must be off and out of sight before you enter the classroom. Any visibility or sound will result in confiscation.
Consequences O 1 st offense: Warning O 2 nd Offense: 15 minute lunch detention O 3 rd offense: 25 minute lunch detention and a phone call to the parent/ guardian O 4 th and subsequent offenses: Discipline referral to the appropriate administrator and the parent must meet with the teacher before the student will be allowed to return to class. O Note: The teacher, not the student, will determine when the detention will be served. Internship and work ARE NOT excuses for missing detention.
Makeup Policy O All makeup work must be completed within three days of an EXCUSED absence. Exceptions to this policy are at the teacher’s discretion. O It is YOUR responsibility to get this completed!!!!
Late Work O This is for PROJECTS ONLY: O 1 day late, you will receive 80% credit for the points you earn. (100 point project, the highest point total you will receive is 80) O 2 days late, you will receive 50% credit for the points you earn. O Not accepted after 2 days. O Get your work in!!
Teacher Web O My teacher website is chool/BergeronT chool/BergeronT O Please do not think that this will enable you not to pay attention in class. This is to be used as a supplement only or to catch up on work missed.
Required Supplies O 1 inch binder with looseleaf (for this class only) O 10 divider pages or tabs O pens and/ or pencils (I recommend that you use pencils for tests and quizzes.) O Color Pencils/Markers
Current Events O You will be required to turn in five (5) current events per nine weeks. You will answer who, what, when, where, why, how does this article pertain to Civics, and how does this article affect me about your magazine, newspaper, or Internet article for each current event. The article must in some way pertain to Civics. The article submitted must contain the ENTIRE Article. O You will have nine (9) opportunities to turn in 5 current events. If you are absent on the due date, you cannot makeup the current event (exception: fieldtrips). O You may turn in one current event each week on the assigned date, not before. The first five (5) will be a 100-point homework grade. For each additional current event turned in, you will receive 5 bonus points, with a maximum of 20 points.
How to be successful in Civics Class O 1. Binder Check (Classwork) O -keep all bell ringers, notes, notes handouts, vocabulary, worksheets and written assignments in the binder. The binder will be periodically graded through a testing assignment. There will be questions from every assignment, as well as, your notes. Binder checks can easily outweigh tests. Binder checks are an easy way to pull up not so great tests and quizzes. If you think tests and quizzes alone will pass you in this class, you are wrong. O 2. Worksheet/ Handouts Check O -keep all worksheet assignments in the binder. These will be randomly collected and graded throughout the semester. Folder checks are worth 100 points and can easily pull up a not so great test or quiz. O 3. Current Events (see above section) O 4. Group Work/Presentations O 5. Tests/ Quizzes
Progress Reports O Every student, regardless of the grade, will receive a progress report at the 4-½ week mark.