1 Session 3: Flow Control & Functions iNET Academy Open Source Web Programming
2 Objectives Discuss about expressions & operators Discuss about conditional statements Discuss about loop statements Discuss about calling & defining functions
3 Expressions A statement is code that performs a task Statements are made up of epressions and operators An expression is a piece of code that evaluates to a value An operator is a code element that acts on an expression in some way
4 Operators PHP has many types of operators, including Arithmetic operators Array operators Assignment operators Bitwise operators Comparison operators Execution operators Increment/decrement operators Logical operators String operators An operator has four properties Number of operands Type of operands Order of precedent Operator associativity
5 Operators (cont.) Number of Operands Binary operators: combine two expressions into a single expression Unary operators: take only one operand Negation operator (-) Preincrement and predecrement Ternary operator: takes three operator
6 Operators (cont.) Types of Operands Certain operators expect their operands to be of particular data types PHP automatically convert operands to the expected data types. But there are times, conversions are impossible. Eg: “Becker”*”Furniture” ; “80” * “70” To set or convert a variable’s type using settype to change the data type actually casting temporarily converts the value
7 Operators (cont.) Order of Precedence Determines which operator processes first in an expression Eg: * and / before + and – If operators have the same precedence, they are processed in the order they appear in the expression Use ( and ) to change the precendence
9 Operators (cont.) Relational operators: used to compare two operands and return either TRUE or FALSE value. Equality operator (==) only checks whether the values are the same. Data type conversion may be required Eg: “1” == 1 return TRUE (===) checks whether the values and types are the same. Eg: ‘1’ === 1 returns FALSE Inequality operator != checks for the opposite of equality Comparison operators:, >= Logical operators
10 Conditionals There are three conditionals in PHP If ? : : (shorthand for an if statement) switch
11 The if statement Common true conditions $var, if $var is not an empty set (0), an empty string, or NULL Isset($var) if $var is not NULL, an empty string or an empty set An expression return TRUE
12 The elseif statement
13 The ? operator
14 The switch statement Compares an expression to numerous values
15 The switch statement (cont.) Breaking out: using break keyword
16 The switch statement (cont.) Defaulting
17 Looping While For Do … while
18 While loops
19 Do.. While loops
20 For loops
21 Breaking Out of a Loop Use break statement
22 Continue Statement Stop processing the current block of code and jump to the next iteration of the loop
23 Functions Create & execute a function Send values to a function Return values from a function Verify if a function exists
24 Calling Functions To call a function Write the name of the function An opening parenthesis ( The parameters A closing parenthesis Function’s name are not case-sensitive Most functions have return values
25 Defining Functions Four elements of a function’s definition 1 – the function keyword 2 – the function’s name 3 – the arguments are optional 4 – the code of the function Function can be defined and called anywhere
26 Parameters Information pass to a function Parameter’s definition Type of data: don’t have to define Parameter’s names must be specified
27 Parameters (cont.) Parameters can have default values
28 Parameters (cont.) Parameter Reference: pass the reference to value, not pass the value
29 Including and Requiring PHP files Place functions in a separate file to make code more readable PHP provides four functions include require include_once require_once The include statement: include and attach other PHP scripts to your scripts Include files should use.php extension instead of other extensions like.inc because of security reason
30 Including and Requiring PHP files (cont.) The include_once statement: prevent inlcuding many nested PHP scripts
31 Including and Requiring PHP files (cont.) require and require_once functions When using include and include_once, if the including PHP files is not exist, PHP post a warning and try to execute the program Require and require_once is used to make sure that a file is included and to stop the program if it isn’t
32 Testing a function To check for the existence of functions, use the function function_exist() It takes a parameter as the function’s name Return TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the function has been defined
33 Practice In this practice, you will: Ex1: Write a loop using the “for” loop to print all even numbers which are less than 50 Ex2: Same task as Ex1, but using the “while” loop Ex3: Write a program to find prime numbers which are less than 100. Display them in each rows. Ex4: Print the prime numbers from Ex3 in a table, each rows has 10 numbers. Ex5: Write a program that includes previous exercises. Use a variable name $flag. If $flag==1 then include Ex1 If $flag==2 then include Ex2 If $flag==3 then include Ex3 If $flag==4 then include Ex4 Ex6: Pack Ex1-Ex4 into four functions. Use the same routine as Ex5.