An introduction to the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) Identi- fication Development Formulation and appraisal ApprovalInception Implemen- tation Closure.


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Presentation transcript:

An introduction to the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) Identi- fication Development Formulation and appraisal ApprovalInception Implemen- tation Closure Evaluation Lesson Learning and Feedback December 2006 NFPCSP Dhaka

Logical Framework A simple tool for: Organizing thinking Communicating concisely and unambiguously More specifically: Setting Objectives Highlighting logical relationship between program/project activities, output and objectives Risks and assumptions related to each level Establishing criteria for Monitoring and Evaluations

Project planning: The 7 Key questions Here There 1.Who are “we”? – Who has an interest? Who should be involved? 2.Where are we now? – What are the problems? What are the possibilities? 3.Where do we want to be? 4.How will we get there? 5.What may stop us getting there? – And what can we do to get around these obstacles? 6.How will we know if we’ve got there? - How will we monitor and evaluate? 7.What do we need to get there? – What detailed activities and resources are needed?

Logical frameworks – 4 by 4 matrix Hierarchy of Objectives IndicatorsMeans of Verification Assumptions Impact/Goal Objective(s)/ Outcome(s) Outputs Activities

The Hierarchy Impact/Goal (The greater Why) Objective(s)/Outcome(s) (Why) Outputs (What) Outputs (What) Activities (How) Activities (How) Activities (How)

The logic of the Framework Impact/Goal Objective(s)/ Outcome(s) Outputs ActivitiesIf Then Deliver Achieve Contribute

Example from NFPCSP’s logframe To ensure a dependable sustained food security for all people of the country at all time (Development goal) Increased capacity in the FPMU to perform its National Food Policy related functions. (Objective 1.a) Fully staffed and adequately equipped FPMU (Output 1.a.1) Establish /maintain adequate physical infrastructure for FMPU If Then Deliver Achieve Contribute ThenContribute To enhance Bangladesh’s capacity to implement a comprehensive, equitable, gender-sensitive and pro-poor National Food Policy and Action Plan. (Project goal) If Trained policy analysts in FPMU (Output 1.a.2) and Train FPMU officers to Ph.D. and Masters level Train all FPMU policy analysts in food policy –related analysis through on- site and short term training abroad. Establish effective internal and external food security knowledge sharing systems Activities

What may stop us getting from here to there? Impact/Goal Objective(s)/ Outcome(s) Outputs Activities If Then Deliver Achieve Contribute What can stop us in doing these Activities? What can stop us delivering these Outputs? What can stop us achieving this Objective? What can stop us contributing to this Impact?

The IF AND THEN logic again Then we should contribute to this Impact And these conditions hold If we achieve this Outcome Then we should achieve this Outcome And these conditions hold If we deliver these Outputs Then we should deliver this Outputs And these conditions hold If we carry out these Activities Then we will carry out these Activities START HERE If these preconditions hold ObjectivesAssumptions Impact/ Goal Objective(s)/ Outcome(s) Outputs Activities

Example from NFPCSP’s logframe Qualified candidates for Ph.D., Masters and policy analysis training can be identified and released from duties while being trained; Sufficient technical and financial resources available to cover completion of post-graduate training abroad. Cost-effective training opportunities have been found; Training effectively tailored to trainees’ needs and expectations Establish /maintain adequate physical infrastructure for FMPU Train FPMU officers to Ph.D. and Masters level Train all FPMU policy analysts in food policy –related analysis through on-site and short term training abroad. Establish effective internal and external food security knowledge sharing systems Qualified and eager to learn candidates for ST and LT training can be identified and released from duties while being trained; Cost-effective and needs-tailored training opportunities have been identified; Sufficient technical and financial resources available to cover completion of formal training abroad activities. Output 1.a.1: Fully staffed and adequately equipped FPMU Output 1.a.2: Trained policy analysts in FPMU Limited turnover among FMPU core staff Adequate incentive structures in place for retaining trained experts in FPMU Objective 1.a: Increased capacity in the FPMU to perform its National Food Policy related functions. ObjectivesAssumptions

Continued at outcome level Objective 1.a: Increased capacity in the FPMU to perform its National Food Policy related functions. Continued government commitment to implement gender- sensitive food security/poverty reduction policies. Commitment of responsible actors to align with NFP objectives and coordinate actions Continued government responsiveness to quality analysis in selecting and implementing policies and programs. Availability of adequate financial resources and administrative capacities Government commitment on continuation of implementation of the National Food Policy, especially after the election No major food crises due to national disasters and other shocks Adequate level of resources to implement food security strategies as stated in NFP and under other food-security related strategic policy frameworks (NAP, PRSP etc…) Effective coordination among donors in the area of food security Project Goal: To enhance Bangladesh’s capacity to implement a comprehensive, equitable, gender-sensitive and pro-poor National Food Policy and Action Plan. Development Goal: To ensure a dependable sustained food security for all people of the country at all time (see NFP 2006) ObjectivesAssumptions

How will we know if we’ve got there? – and how to verify it? Hierarchy of Objectives IndicatorsMeans of Verification Assumptions Impact/Goal Objective(s)/ Outcome(s) Outputs Activities We are here

Indicators Tell us how we will recognize success Tell us how we will recognize success Force us to clarify what we mean by our objectives Force us to clarify what we mean by our objectives Provide a basis for Monitoring, Review and Evaluation Provide a basis for Monitoring, Review and Evaluation The best indicators are: Valid Reliable Relevant Sensitive to change Specific Cost effective Timely

Identifying indicators A helpful way of setting indicators is to use the maxim QQT – Quantity, Quality and Time. Step 1: Set the basic indicator Step 2: Add Quantity – an amount or percentage that will be achieved Step 3:Add Quality – a built-in measure to specify the indicator Step 4:Add Time – When this should be accomplished by

An example of QQT Step 1: Trained FPMU officers Step 2 (Quantity): 6 FPMU officers trained Step 3 (Quality): 6 FPMU officers trained to Masters level Step 4 (Time): 6 FPMU officers trained to Masters level by the end of 2010

Means of Verification/ Data Sources Some useful questions: What evidence do we need? Where will the evidence be located? How do we get it?   Available from existing sources?   Is special data gathering required? Who is going to collect it? How often and when? etc.

Example from NFPCSP’s logframe Indicator: Indicator: 6 FPMU officers trained to Masters level Mean of verification: Mean of verification: University degrees and certificates

More information on logframes AsDB (2006) Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework ( preparing-dmf/guidelines-preparing-dmf.pdf) AsDB (2006) Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework ( preparing-dmf/guidelines-preparing-dmf.pdf) preparing-dmf/ preparing-dmf/guidelines-preparing-dmf.pdf DFID (2002) Tools for Development. ( DFID (2002) Tools for Development. ( Ausaid Guides ( Ausaid Guides ( Europe Aid ( Europe Aid ( ( nual_2004_en.pdf) nual_2004_en.pdf nual_2004_en.pdf Material from NFPCSP’s training course number 4 Material from NFPCSP’s training course number 4