Gifted and Talented Programming Wendy Pieseski (with a little help from Natasha Straayer) April 23, 2015
Gifted and talented students are those students between the ages of four and twenty-one whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational programming needs. Gifted students include students with disabilities (i.e. twice exceptional) and students with exceptional abilities or potential from all socio-economic and ethnic, cultural populations. Straayer
Gifted students are capable of high performance, exceptional production, or exceptional learning behavior by virtue of any or a combination of these areas: General or Specific Intellectual Ability Specific Academic Aptitude Creative or Productive Thinking Leadership Abilities Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Musical or Psychomotor Abilities
We identified 23 students this year as gifted in math or language arts, ranging from 2 nd – 8 th grade Second grade – 2 Third grade – 3 Fourth grade – 3 Fifth grade – 3 Sixth grade – 1 Seventh grade – 3 Eighth grade - 8
Unusual alertness, even in infancy Rapid learner; puts thoughts together quickly Excellent memory Unusually large vocabulary and complex sentence structure for age Advanced comprehension of word nuances, metaphors and abstract ideas Enjoys solving problems, especially with numbers and puzzles
Often self-taught reading and writing skills as preschooler Deep, intense feelings and reactions Highly sensitive Thinking is abstract, complex, logical, and insightful Idealism and sense of justice at early age Concern with social and political issues and injustices Longer attention span and intense concentration Desire to organize people/things through games or complex schemas
Preoccupied with own thoughts—daydreamer Learn basic skills quickly and with little practice Asks probing questions Wide range of interests (or extreme focus in one area) Highly developed curiosity Interest in experimenting and doing things differently Puts idea or things together that are not typical Keen and/or unusual sense of humor Vivid imaginations (imaginary playmates in preschool)
Identified students have an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) to document affective and academic goals in their identified area(s) of strength. Accommodations, timelines, transition points, evaluation/progress tools are all outlined in the ALP. ALPs are a collaborative process between the parents, teacher(s) and the student. ALPs are reviewed and updated annually.
Gifted Programming is designed to meet the academic, social/ emotional, and behavioral needs of students identified with advanced learning needs. Teachers in the classroom differentiate instruction as students demonstrate a need for more depth and complexity.
Differentiated instruction Curriculum compacting Grade and/or Content acceleration Cluster grouping Tiered assignments Flexible grouping Independent study Project-based learning Leadership opportunities Mentorships
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