Vocabulary Practice
The new planes are ____ of even greater speed. a)strandsstrands b)capablecapable c)categoriescategories d)creditcredit
capable - adjective - having skill or power, able Next One
The menu was divided into three ______, snacks, main courses, and desserts. a)soggysoggy b)strandsstrands c)capablecapable d)categoriescategories
categories - noun, plural - groups or classes of things Next One
The students who included a visual display with their speeches earned extra _____. a)categoriescategories b)creditcredit c)giganticgigantic d)luminousluminous
credit - noun - praise or honor; something owed to a person. Next One
The airplane looked ______ when I saw it up close. a)creditcredit b)giganticgigantic c)luminousluminous d)slumpedslumped
gigantic - adjective - like a giant; huge and powerful Next One
The _______ glow coming from the windows made the house look warm. a)luminousluminous b)slumpedslumped c)soggysoggy d)strandsstrands
luminous - adjective - bright; shining Next One
The tired woman _____ down in the back seat. a)slumpedslumped b)soggysoggy c)strandsstrands d)capablecapable
slumped - verb - fell or sunk heavily Next One
The juicy tomatoes on the sandwich made the bread _____. a)giganticgigantic b)luminousluminous c)slumpedslumped d)soggysoggy
soggy – adjective - very wet or damp; soaked Next One
______ of spaghetti were wrapped around the fork. a)capablecapable b)strandsstrands c)creditcredit d)giganticgigantic
strands - noun, plural - things similar to thread Next One
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