Some resources that are in forests are flowers, seeds, fruits, and other forest plants. Trees are a major resource in forests.
Maple syrup, rubber, and nuts are just a few. Some other products include lumber and pulp for paper but those require cutting down trees. Conifers including pine and spruce are used for construction and to make paper. Hardwoods including oak, cherry and maple are used for furniture.
Trees and other plants produce oxygen to help other organisms survive. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and pollutants. Trees help prevent flooding and control soil erosion. Trees absorb rain water and hold soil together.
The process of cutting down all the trees in an area at once. Quicker and cheaper. Safer for loggers Changes the habitat. Exposes soil to wind and rain. Soil could be blown away easier. If soil is washed away into ponds or steams it could harm the ecosystem.
Cutting down only some trees in a forest and leaving a mix of trees sizes and species behind. Less damage done to the Forest and ecosystem around it. Keeps trees of all different ages. Supports different varieties of wildlife. Keeps the forest looking more natural than clear cutting. Very Expensive. The growth of the trees is a slower process than clear cutting. Very hard to cut the trees down when they are on a steep hill or incline.
Certified Wood- Forests that are managed in a suitable way and are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council. When the Forest is certified all of the wood that is cut down from the forest can hold a “Well Managed” label. This label allows businesses and individuals to select wood from forests that are managed for sustainable yields.
Sustainable yield- is a regular amount of a renewable resource such as trees that can be harvested without reducing the future supply. To keep the trees at a constant supply you need to plan when and what tree needs to be replaced and replenished. Trees grow at different rates, some grow fast and some grow slow. The trees that grow at faster rates can be replaced and planted more often. When you manage the forest correctly you should be able to replace different parts of the forest each year.