3 The vision of the Greater Bridgeport Symphony is to be a premier musical organization which is artistically respected and financially secure through the development of creative programming, larger and more diverse audiences, and broadened funding bases.
The mission of the Greater Bridgeport Symphony is to celebrate, educate, inspire, and provide excellence in musical programming in the Greater Bridgeport community.
Founded in 1945 as a 501(c) not-for-profit organization, the Greater Bridgeport Symphony Orchestra is one of the oldest fully- professional orchestras in Connecticut
–1954 Daniel Saidenberg 1955–1965 Jonel Perlea
–1971 José Iturbi 1965–1971 José Iturbi 1972–Present Gustav Meier
Van Cliburn Many famous guest artists have performed with the Greater Bridgeport Symphony.
Duke Ellington Isaac Stern
Beverly Sills Itzhak Perlman
Klein Memorial Parking Lot Safe – Clean – Lighted
Carlson-Horn Competition for Young Instrumentalists Sponsored by the Hersher Family Foundation
Carlson Horn Winner Andrew Armstrong 1990 Carlson Horn Winner Allison Eldredge 1986 Anita Chen
Alexander Markov 1981 CARLSON HORN WINNER CLASSIC / ROCK – MAY 2006
GBS Musicians to Go The GBS Musicians to Go Program presents outstanding professional musicians individually and in small ensembles for private parties, corporate functions, civic organizations, and school programs.
The GBS Audience 14%Bridgeport 26%Fairfield 15%Stratford 12%Trumbull 7%Shelton 26% Other (includes Easton, Milford, Monroe, New Haven, Norwalk, Westport, and Weston.) 14%Bridgeport 26%Fairfield 15%Stratford 12%Trumbull 7%Shelton 26% Other (includes Easton, Milford, Monroe, New Haven, Norwalk, Westport, and Weston.)
REVENUES “Other” includes Interest Income, Fundraising Revenues, and Program Advertisements
EXPENSES “Other” includes Contracted Services and Federal / State Taxes
GBS Strategic Plan Maintain High Level of Performance Standards, Artistic Quality, and Musical Excellence Maintain the Future of the GBS through the Security and Stability of its Financial Health. Continue Educational and Community Outreach Programs Increase Audience Base through Strategic Partnerships and More Diverse Programming Structure the Organization to Maximize Efforts to Support the GBS Goals Maintain High Level of Performance Standards, Artistic Quality, and Musical Excellence Maintain the Future of the GBS through the Security and Stability of its Financial Health. Continue Educational and Community Outreach Programs Increase Audience Base through Strategic Partnerships and More Diverse Programming Structure the Organization to Maximize Efforts to Support the GBS Goals
The future of the Greater Bridgeport Symphony depends on increased support from individuals, corporations, and foundations.
Join Current Sponsors Bridging the Gap between Expenses and Ticket Revenue Bank of America CT Commission on Culture and Tourism Fairfield County Community Foundation Fairfield University Rotair Industries Connecticut Post General Electric JP Morgan Chase Foundation People’ s United Bank United Illuminating University of Bridgeport
Sponsor a Concert
Advertise in the GBS Program Journal
Attend the Symphony ’ s Benefit Events
SAVE THE DATE Sunday, May 3, 2009 “ Toast to Tellalian ” A Tribute to the Chairman of the Board 38 Years and Counting … A Champagne Luncheon to Benefit the GBS Brooklawn Country Club Fairfield, Connecticut 12:00 Noon
Purchase Individual Tickets or a Subscription
Exclusive$10,000Cosponsors$5,000Partial$2,500 “Musicians to Go” Ensemble for Corporate Use (Up to Four Musicians for One Hour) Full Page Ad in Program Logo on Season Brochure Tickets to Sponsored Performance 50 Tickets 30 Tickets 20 Tickets Discounts for Employee Tickets to the Sponsored Performance 20%10%10% Media Advertising Exposure Use of Green Room for Pre-concert Reception VIP Parking Special Privileges for Corporate Concert Sponsorship
Special Privileges for Individual Contributors Angel$5,000+Benefactor $3,000- $4,999 Sustainer $1,500- $2,999 Conductor’s Circle $1,000- $1,499 Chair Sponsor $500- $999 Patron $250- $499 Associat e $100- $249 Contributor$35-$99 Advance Notice to All GBS Events Acknowledgement in Program Invitation to Annual Meeting Reception as a Voting Member Post-concert Green Room Reception to Meet Guest Artists Two Free Tickets to Any Performance VIP Parking Luncheon with the Maestro A Musical Gift Package “Musicians to Go” Ensemble in Your Home
OTHER WAYS TO HELP Contribute to the GBS Annual Operating Campaign Recommend “A Night at the Symphony” to Organizations to Which You Belong Provide a Contact Who You Believe Might Be Able to Help Us Contribute to the GBS Annual Operating Campaign Recommend “A Night at the Symphony” to Organizations to Which You Belong Provide a Contact Who You Believe Might Be Able to Help Us