Коррекционно – развивающее занятие по английскому языку в 7 классе по теме «Nature as a part of Environment» Учитель английского языка высшей категории МОУ ООШ № 19 Зайцева С.И.
2 1. Начало урока rivers, seas, lakes, air, forests, animals, plants What do these words mean? Tunare - read the word Cities, villages, cars, people What is it?
3 Water, sky, rivers, forests, grass, birds, animals.
Litter, chemicals, cars, factories, toxins. 5
Repeat ! 1. To leave litter 2. To kill fish, animals 3. To pollute water, nature 4. To cut down, break trees 5. To pick up flowers 6. To start а fire Give antonyms of these words 6
Repeat ! 1. To take away litter 2. To take care of animals, fish 3. To clean water, nature 4. To plant trees, flowers 5. To stop a fire To take care of birds 7
Make up sentences We 9 must must not Cut down trees Take care of the forests. rivers Plant more trees Feed birds Stop a fire Drop litter Start a fire Pollute water Kill fish. animals
10 What must we do to save our nature ? We must take care of our forests We must not cut down trees
11 We must not start a fire
12 We must not pollute water and kill fish
13 We must not drop any litter We must not leave tins, plastic and glass bottles
14 We must not pick up flowers
15 We must feed birds
16 We must …
17 We must not …
18 Now tell what people must do to protect our environment clean
19 Say what the tourists have done in the forest. Use the words: 1 – damage 2 – disturb 3 – paint 4 – leave 5 – pollute 6 – throw 7 - hurt
20 Look at the picture and say what the children must do and must not do in the forest.
21 Использованы материалы учебников Кауфман К. И., Кауфман М. Ю. Happy English.ru учебник для 7 класса. – Издательство Титул 2006 г. Клементьева Т. Б. Книга для чтения к учебному пособию Счастливый английский-2. – Издательство Титул 2001 г. Кузовлев В. П. Английский язык, учебник для 7 класса. – Издательство Просвещение, 2001 г. Фотографии с сайтов Zagryaznenie_okruzhayusheiy_sredy_snizilos_ne_iz_za_krizisa.html jekologii.html