Mr. Altorfer Science Environmental Problems Section 21.1 Pages 554 to 559.


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Altorfer Science Environmental Problems Section 21.1 Pages 554 to 559

What You Will Learn  List the five types of pollutants.  Identify the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources.  Describe the impact of exotic species.  Explain why human population growth has increased.  Describe how habitat destruction affects biodiversity.  Give two examples of how pollution affects humans.

Pollution  Pollution- An unwanted change in the environment caused by substances or forms of energy.

The Five Kinds of Pollution 1111) Garbage 2222) Chemicals 3333) High-Powered Waste: Radioactive materials 4444) Gases- CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) 5555) Noise



Chemicals  sh2/sh07_10/stude nt/flash/visual_conc epts/60405.htm sh2/sh07_10/stude nt/flash/visual_conc epts/ sh2/sh07_10/stude nt/flash/visual_conc epts/60405.htm Ozone Layer

High-Powered Wastes


Greenhouse Effect


Resource Depletion  Resource- material that living things use or need in their daily lives. –Ex. gold, oil, air, water

Resources  Renewable Resource- A resource that can be replaced or replenished. –Example: Trees  Nonrenewable Resource- A resource that cannot be replaced or replenished. –Example: oil & coal

Renewable or Nonrenewable?

Exotic Species EEEExotic Species- An organism that makes a home for itself outside of its native home. EEEExotic Species cause problems: –B–B–B–Become pests –K–K–K–Kill off the native species. EEEExamples: Zebra Mussel, Japanese Stink Bug

Human Population Growth  Overpopulation- The presence of too many individuals in an area for the available resources.

Habitat Destruction  Habitat- Where an organism lives. –Examples: Lion lives in the jungle, a swan lives in a lake. a swan lives in a lake.

Habitat Destruction  Forest Habitat Destruction- Humans cut down trees to clear the land and use the forest’s resources. What happened to all these trees?

Habitat Destruction

Habitat Destruction  Marine Habitat Destruction- The polluting the oceans or lakes of the world.

Effects of Pollution on Humans PPPPollution and Habitat Destruction effect people too! –R–R–R–Respiratory problems- Do you like to breath? –C–C–C–Chemicals cause cancer. –L–L–L–Lack of fresh water –W–W–W–What other effects do you know about?