Possible effects of climate change on crop-weed interactions Professor Andreas J. Karamanos Faculty of Crop Science Agricultural University of Athens
Definition of climate change the long-term change in the average weather conditions prevailing in a region they are expressed as changes: - in the average air temperature - in the average air temperature - in precipitation - in precipitation - in winds etc. - in winds etc.
Causes External ( changes in solar or cosmic radiation, earth’s orbit etc.) Human activities (greenhouse gases)
Greenhouse effect Global warming: - increase in average air temperature from 1.5 – 5.5 ο C between the years increase in average air temperature from 1.5 – 5.5 ο C between the years Parallel impacts: -distortion in the movement of barometric systems -distortion in the movement of barometric systems - distortion in the hydrologic cycle - distortion in the hydrologic cycle - ice melting - ice melting - increase in the frequency of extreme incidents - increase in the frequency of extreme incidents
Climate change aspects affecting agriculture Increase in air temperature Increase in CO 2 -concentration Change in the amount and distribution of precipitation Change in evapotranspiration Increase in the frequency of extreme weather incidents (droughts, floods etc.)
Precipitation/evapotranspiration forecasts in the Mediterranean
Time-series of rainfall intensity in Athens
Increase in [CO 2 ] and plant physiology Positive effects on photosynthesis
Increase in [CO 2 ] and plant physiology Decrease in photorespiration (only in C 3 -plants) Increase in net photosynthesis Namely, increase in overall carbon balance
Increase in [CO 2 ] and plant physiology Decrease in transpiration by 25-50% (partial stomatal closure) Increase in water use efficiency (WUE, g of dry matter / g of transpired water)
Elevated [CO 2 ] and WUE
Increase in temperature and plant physiology Acceleration of most physiological processes
Increase in temperature and plant physiology Increase in respiratory dry matter consumption
Increase in temperature and plant traits Decrease in average grain weight of temperate crops
Increase in temperature and plant traits Increase in growth rate
Effects of temperature on phenology
Increase in temperature and plant traits Vernalization in temperate crops
Combined temperature and [CO 2 ]-effects on photosynthesis
Combined temperature and [CO 2 ] - effects
Water shortage effects Less intense under higher [CO 2 ] Evident on all physiological processes Different degrees of sensitivity among physiological processes Plant differentiation according to their adaptability to drought
Reasons for change in the weed / crop competition patterns Differential effects of [CO 2 ] on C 3 and C 4 plants: more beneficial to C 3 plants - 14 of the 18 “worlds worst weeds” are C 4 plants - 14 of the 18 “worlds worst weeds” are C 4 plants - 12 of the 15 major crops are C 3 plants - 12 of the 15 major crops are C 3 plants perennial weeds more difficult to control due to the stimulation of growth of rhizomes and storage organs
Ranges of increase in biomass of C 3 and C 4 weeds and crops grown under doubled [CO 2 ] (Patterson, 1995) C-assimilation pathway WeedsCrops C3C3C3C3 95 – 272 %107 – 494 % C4C4C4C4 56 – 161 %98 – 182 %
Reasons for change in the weed / crop competition patterns Differential effects of temperature increase (2 to 5 o C) on weeds and crops: - expansion of warm season weeds to higher latitudes and cooler areas (e.g. Cassia, Amaranthus, Sesbania, Crotalaria, Rottboellia, Imperata, Panicum, Striga, etc.) - competitive advantage (higher growth rates) of warm season weeds against temperate crops
Reasons for change in the weed / crop competition patterns Differential effects of water availability to crops and weeds: - less severe water stress-effects in raised [CO 2 ] levels (reduction in transpiration, development of osmotic adjustment, higher root / shoot ratio) - they depend on the drought resistance mechanisms to be developed by crops and weeds
Interventions on weed control Choice of the appropriate crop species/cultivar Adjustment of planting time/season Possible effects of the elevated [CO 2 ], temperature, and water availability on chemical efficacy Adjustment of the irrigation/fertilization schemes
Conclusions The increase in [CO 2 ] and temperature will affect the weed-crop competitive interactions. Water availability might be a less decisive factor. The effects on crop production will depend on: - the local weed flora - the local weed flora - the C-assimilation pathway and the temperature requirements of the crop and weed species - the C-assimilation pathway and the temperature requirements of the crop and weed species The interacting effects of many factors influence weed/crop competition in a complex way and make an overall prediction on the consequences on crop production risky.
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