Ecology of virgin steppe
Take care of the land, the water, Even a small dust loving, Take care of all the animals inside the nature, Kill only animals inside yourself...
The unique smells of grass and flowers, a rustle of the grass, dazzling birds singing, intoxicating air - all this makes us happy, excites and delights. The river Dzhangis-Agash flows along our village. The name of the river is translated as «lonely tree» from the Kazakh language And indeed, a river, as a lonely tree in the wilderness, gives life to all of the surrounding. Don’t cut down trees! Don’t kill fish! Don’t pollute rivers! Don’t leave litter!
People from Ukraine came here in search of happiness a long time ago They settled in steppes. They built houses close to the river Dzhangis-Agash. The river was deep and wide. It was full of fish. They saw that the earth can help the man giving bread and having large flocks of sheep and swift- footed horses.
Significantly our village increased in the years of the development of the virgin lands. The live of the villagers became better. But as a result of ploughing up the land individual types of animals and plants disappeared and steppe ecosystem was practically destroyed.
The aim of: the study of the ecology the virgin steppe
OBJECTIVES: to consider examples of the negative and the positive impact of man on nature; consider the process of displacement of natural flora and fauna in the development of virgin lands; to conduct the analysis and systematization of collected material; describe the ecological state of the virgin steppe.
METHODS of RESEARCH: interviews, talks; observation; the study of the sources on this subject; processing of survey and factual material.
Object of research: the virgin steppe Don’t pick unique flowers!
The man, who keeps memory of a slowly running river and the poplar near the house and the park which keeps memory of not one generation will t connect his life with native village and the river and poplars.
In 2009, the Orenburg region celebrated the 55th anniversary of the development of the virgin lands. The country has received the bread, but nature suffered. Steppe type of vegetation was the most rare in the country. Individual preserved steppe plants have disappeared with the extension of pastures.Not any of the reserves were established during the virgin epoch.
Anihovka - my Motherland, I love it very much. I love feather-grass steppe, the quiet of the river, the people living here. This work is devoted to the ecology of the virgin steppe.
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