Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger for Save Laurel Way The City of Redwood City Planning Commission Hearing March 26, 2013 Comments in Opposition to the Laurel Way Joint Venture Project
Save Laurel Way
Cut down 90 mature trees o “Individual lot owners may require the removal of additional trees as the residences are developed” DEIR o “unknown number of trees may be incidentally and adversely affected by various activities during site construction” which may “result in the death of trees well after project completion” DEIR Massive grading and filling o More than 15,000 cubic yards of earth moved=1,500 dump trucks o 6,000 cubic yards taken off-site=600 dump trucks
Save Laurel Way Convert 10-foot-wide dirt road into a 28-foot-wide, bi-level street + 16-foot retaining wall + 50-foot-wide cul-de-sac Cover more than 50% of site with impervious surfaces o “Creating impervious area over approximately 50 percent of the site will almost certainly decrease ground water recharge, reducing base flows in the stream channel within and downstream of the site. Ground-water flow paths may also be altered by the extensive cut and fill proposed, and by placement of subterranean structures. These issues will be assessed at a later date in the CEQA document.” Storm Drainage Peer Review at 2. At a minimum, five years of constant construction
Save Laurel Way The Project will convert this...
... to this. Save Laurel Way
Proposed Lots Are Steeply Sloped and Too Small
Save Laurel Way Commonly Owned Lots Must Be Merged
Save Laurel Way