Research says… SmartArt Demos Professionally Designed Templates
InteractivityRich-Media Hierarchical Organization of content Media Enhanced presenter dynamics The following information was found in the help section.
Interactivity The idea of interactivity is that the learner and the presenter have the freedom to jump around the slides as needed. Think of it as a web page, where you don’t have to go slide by slide in one direction, but you can go directly to the information that you need. Back to Research says…
Rich Media The idea here is to use anything other than text whenever you can to get your point across Back to Research says…
Hierarchical Organization of content The idea here is that you want to make the slides easy to navigate. Notice my use of links that will navigate to the section title slide Back to Research says… and to the original title slide.
Media Enhanced presenter dynamics The idea here is that the presenter is able to instantly back up what they say in their presentation with a concrete, visual example (I hope to have done that and will continue to try to do that in the next couple of sections). Back to Research says…
MatricesVenn DiagramsFlowcharts
Matrices – Create a matrix describing the coordinate plane relationships Back to SmartArt
Venn Diagrams – Create a Venn diagram illustrating the Number Sets Back to SmartArt
Flowcharts – Create a flowchart illustrating the Scientific Method Back to SmartArt
End the show and go to the Help. Look for PowerPoint Demos link… Pick one that looks interesting and watch it (if you can).
End the show again and go to Help. This time look for Professionally Designed PowerPoint Templates link… Select a template and go through the steps to download and then open it into PowerPoint.