The NextGen LAUC Member and the Reports from the LAUC Committee on Professional Governance LAUC-LA Brown Bag Discussion December 16, 2011 Humanities 193
Background: LAUC CPG, 2009/10 Charged to organize and administer a statewide discussion of the future of UC libraries and librarianship in the 21 st century LAUC Blog and Wiki, and LAUC-wide Surveys Breakout Sessions LAUC Assembly at UCB on December 12, 2009 LAUC Southern Regional Meeting at UCI on May 6, 2010 Final Report of the 2009/10 LAUC CPG Discussion on the Future of UC Libraries and Librarians in the 21 st Century Challenges and opportunities facing UC Libraries and UC Librarians, focusing on the topics of reference, information providers, personnel, technology, collections, buildings, campus roles, library networks, and organizational culture of the libraries.
Background: LAUC CPG, 2010/11 Charged to analyze the information gathered during the 2009/10 academic year and submit to LAUC a report on the future of UC librarianship Breakout Sessions LAUC Assembly at UCSB on March 10, 2011 What skills will the next generation of academic librarians need for the 21 st Century and how do they plan on acquiring these skills: Administration, Outreach, Instructional Services, User Services, Collections & Scholarly Communication, Technology & Digital Initiatives, and Technical Services Final Report of the 2010/11 CPG The NextGen LAUC Member What skills UC Librarians would need to meet the challenges and leverage the opportunities identified in 2009/10 CPG Report What skills UC Librarians will need to meet the challenges outlined in systemwide planning reports (NGTS, SLASIAC LPTS, etc.) Skills needed to bridge traditional roles into NextGen roles
Word cloud of “NextGen LAUC Member: A Report from the 2010/11 LAUC Committee on Professional Governance,” courtesy of NextGen LAUC Member
Collection Development Era of increased collaboration, both systemwide and with campus constituents Systemwide subject specialists Increased collaboration on digital projects Consortia purchasing One-at-a-time selection = A less sustainable purchasing model Unique collections distinguish local collections Increased technical expertise E-resource access and discover issues Increased demand for grant writing (systemwide and national/international grants)
NextGen LAUC Member Reference / Instruction Communication skills will continue to be imperative Knowledge of changes in research Trends in interdisciplinary research, topic formation, literature review, citation management, search and discovery tools, etc. Knowledge of users’ information-seeking behaviors Collaborate in creation of navigable systems of discovery Instruction and research assistance are complementary skills Collaboration and consultation in library and campus planning, including space planning, services, and collection development Analytical skills, problem solving, critical thinking skills
NextGen LAUC Member Technical Services Project Managers Develop systematic digitization projects Greater involvement in grant writing Evolving from technical services into collection services More involvement in curatorial roles Data sets: Acquire, provide access, and manage Broader knowledge and understanding of information technology Knowledge of encoding standards and digital asset management systems Product Managers Implementing new standards and approaches to processing collections Manage life cycle from acquisition to digitization to usage
NextGen LAUC Member Professional Governance & Organizational Culture Organizationally, LAUC members will benefit by possessing : Willingness to adapt to change Rapidly evolving job duties at home campuses and systemwide Broader thinking about shared governance and management objectives in regard to shared systemwide services, responsibilities, and resources Collaboration and collegiality with systemwide colleagues and campus stakeholders Awareness of systemwide activities
Cross-Functional Skills Needed by NextGen LAUC Members Analytical skills Bridge builders Change agents Collaboration Communication Critical thinking Cross-functional management Cross-generational management Digitization Global thinkers Grant writing Knowledge of changes in information technology Project management Problem solving Strategic planning Sustainability Systematic thinkers
Word cloud of common skill sets, courtesy of Cross-Functional Skills Needed by NextGen LAUC Members
LAUC-LA Members’ Feedback What uses can be made of these findings (i.e., what is notable about them)? Who should be informed by this report (e.g., ULs, HR directors, library schools)? What might be some next steps, following up on this report?
Cover image from: The Virtual Librarian: A Tale of Alternative Realities, by Ted & Bob Rockwell, illustrated by Thomas Chalkley, computer drawings by Nevin Hoke Librarian Barcode iPad Case: Images courtesy of: