Manage Time Wisely By Nick Pawliwec November 27,
Why do we need to manage time? Career Goals Personal Goals Greater Satisfaction ( value your Time)
Barriers Mental Blocks Procrastination Competing priorities Distractions Miscommunication Clutter
Get to know yourself Assess your strengths & weaknesses Set your goals – What do you want to have, see, do, give or become – What steps are needed to get these goals – Fit activities required to reach your goals into your schedule Identify your rhythm- carry a journal Establish your boundaries – Work-life balance
Make SMART Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
Now do a Baseline HOW? – Carry a schedule and record all your thoughts, conversations & activities for a week or two. This will help you understand how much you get done during a day and how you are spending your time Assess where the gaps are with your vision / expectation
Focusing you Energy / Efforts Intelligently 80/20 theory matching time invested to return – put more effort where you have the better return – This does not mean working overtime / it means spending the right amount of time – Making time for your personal life – Daily prioritization Remember it is impossible to get everything done – that 20% of your thoughts conversations & activities produced 80% of the results. An average 20% of your clients produce 80% of your revenue
A little Project Mgmt. can help Plan your day by blocking time – take that 30 minutes a day Plan to spend at least 50% of your time engaged in activities and conversations that will produce the most results for you. Schedule your personal activities & time for interruptions. Self evaluate your successes and how to improve or lessons learned. Then tweak your system. Any activity or conversation that ’ s important to your success should have a time assigned to it.
Manage communication Take 5 minutes before any conversation, meeting or call to decide the result you would like to attain. This will help you know if you were effective and achieved what you wanted to.
Managing Distractions Put up a do not disturb sign Don ’ t answer every call – that is why you have voic Turn off the messaging & & Facebook Schedule you time
Fine tune Technology De-clutter your computer Use a scheduler Filter Use automation when you can
Decision Making Avoid procrastination – just do it if it needs to be done Assess your decision gravity Determine time frame to make a decision Short list options based on your risk Check with reliable sources & your gut Stick to your decision
Dealing with unexpected issues Pause and assess impact to your results Acknowledge the problem Assess gravity and make a decision Move on
10 time efficient habits Start the day early Plan the day Schedule – me time Plan meals Delegate almost everything you can Say no more often Use a scheduler Do less to get more Simplify your life Start every day as a day zero
Time savers Shop online Hire a house cleaner Handheld recorder to record ideas Instant messaging GPS navigator
Time Wasters Failing to stop & think Public Transit Junk Mail is Junk for a reason Stuck on TV Surfing the web with no destination Demanding perfection Multi-tasking Worrying, praying & waiting
Key to a good system Focusing efforts on result based goals Prioritizing tasks Blocking your time Enjoying what you are doing Thank you.
Manage Time Wisely Questions?