DG Environment European Commission Introduction to European ETV Promoting New Technologies Environmental Technology Verification Schemes Introduction to European ETV
DG Environment European Commission What is ETV? New greener technologies are needed –to make the EU economy more sustainable –to face global challenges: climate change, resources scarcity, loss of biodiversity Obstacles on the road to market: –perceived risks, need for costly demonstrations, –conservative attitude of investors or purchasers, –complex permitting procedures ETV schemes provide independent and credible information on the performance of environmental technologies, using qualified third parties and robust procedures
DG Environment European Commission Need for independent performance validation Extract of a press release from Solyndra (19/01/2009), manufacturer of a new photovoltaic system for commercial rooftops: Solyndra’s panels are fully certified for European solar installations and have independently-validated performance from multiple sources. (…) Independent validation of the Solyndra PV system’s energy yield performance has been done by leading institute Fraunhofer ISE of Freiburg, Germany and compared to field data from multiple international installations. Solar project developers and investors can now rely on Fraunhofer ISE for accurate, independently-validated system energy yield performance forecasts for Solyndra systems. (source:
DG Environment European Commission Main features expected from ETV schemes Credibility Reliable test results, robust procedures Complete information Recognition No need to re-do the tests Opens up new markets Flexibility Different innovations and users’ needs Affordability Value for money, accessible for SMEs
DG Environment European Commission Preparation of European ETV Research and pilot projects: Eurodemo ( ): soil and groundwater TESTNET ( ): water, clean production, monitoring Promote ( ): soil and groundwater AIRTV ( ): air emissions Tritech ( ): soil, water, energy AdvanceETV ( ): mutual recognition, harmonisation Commission study (JRC/IPTS): Comparison of existing systems, feasibility of European ETV (2007)
DG Environment European Commission Preparation of European ETV (II) Consultation of stakeholders: ETAP Forum (November 2007) 2 public consultations via internet in 2008 (general and business) Workshops in research projects (Testnet, Promote, AIRTV) Workshops in member States (DK, PL, SK) Discussions with industry federations (2009) Commission studies related to costing and funding: Report on costing of the system (JRC/IPTS) Study on funding possibilities for SMEs (AEA)
DG Environment European Commission Results of consultations (I) Clear need for third-party verification For 69% of respondents; only 11% of business respondents rely on vendor’s claims with no check Two main objectives: Help technology purchasers base their decisions on reliable information (48%) Accelerate the market penetration of environmental technologies (41%)
DG Environment European Commission Results of consultations (II) Main rationale should be the verification of performance claims (31%) or verification based on agreed standards or legal requirements (28%) other services to be provided (55%) by ETV such as pre-verification, benchmarking ETV to be organised preferably by public institutions (66%), incl. EU institutions (51%)
DG Environment European Commission Potential technology areas Monitoring systems Water and soil treatment technologies Renewable energy and energy efficiency Air pollution abatement including GHGs Clean technologies: cleaner processes, building materials, waste and resource recycling
DG Environment European Commission Cost and funding issue Overall cost for verification is high: 50 to 90 k€ per technology Testing comes on top of it: highly variable, 45 k€ on average in the US programme, 51 k€ in MCERTS Need for public support – objective of EU scheme is to keep it below or around 20 k€: Use of existing funding scheme in Member States to support SMEs for verification and testing
DG Environment European Commission Results of consultations (III) Preliminary list considered appropriate for 67% of respondents (general consultation) Monitoring techniques, water treatment, renewables and energy efficiency, clean technologies including recycling Cost estimates: impossible to meet for SMEs without external support (51%), or possible to meet if justified by the added value (27%) EBTP: € maximum for both tests and verification (46%)
DG Environment European Commission EU Scheme structure Verification Bodies Accredited by Member States for specific technology areas Coordinated through technical groups per technology area Testing Laboratories When additional tests are necessary General accreditation for testing laboratories (not specific to ETV) Stakeholders groups To advise the Commission and the technical groups
DG Environment European Commission EU Scheme structure (II) Verification procedures Registration of verification statements If additional tests needed Optional (to establish contact) Commission Verification Body Technology Vendor Contact point Testing Laboratory
DG Environment European Commission Main steps for ETV Claim definition and data review Assessment Tests Application Publication
DG Environment European Commission Review of claims Important to ensure credibility and (some) comparability of results, in support to customers’ decisions References per groups of technology, to be taken into account in claims review Legal requirements, agreed standards, state-of-the-art Users needs, based on recommendations of stakeholders groups Elements of life-cycle approach: key environmental aspects from a screening of environmental impacts
DG Environment European Commission Statement of Verification Summary of technology, verified claim with all details needed to understand, additional infos For use in business-to-business relations Recognised in all EU States (no need to re-do through national procedures) May facilitate public procurement procedures, permitting procedures in certain conditions
DG Environment European Commission Schedule for European ETV End 2009: Commission (legislative) proposal to establish the EU ETV Scheme 2010: legislative procedure (Council-Parliament), preparation of ETV operational procedures 2011: accreditation of Verification Bodies, setting- up of technical groups End 2011: European Scheme fully operational
DG Environment European Commission Thank you! Contact:Pierre Henry European Commission – DG Environment tel: