It takes two minds to reveal the truth BINARY
SYNOPSIS Newly single mother of 2, Alison Fondeas, has been a police officer for almost 14 years and after struggling with her divorce focuses all her time on her adopted son, Tom’s, wedding. When Tom then revealed to Alison his fiancé cheated on him, the engagement was off. Days later ex-fiancé, Martha, was found dead. After Alison was denied the case because of family involvement, fingers started to point at Tom. Ignoring her attachment she gets involved in the case and struggles to deal with the worrying truth.
3 ACT TREATMENT Equilibrium Alison is recently divorced, but happily involved in her adopted son’s wedding. She has a stable job as a police woman and has recently got promoted to a sergeant. Disruption Beginning of the disruption is when his fiancé cheats in him and they call of then wedding. To then make things worse a few days after separating she is found dead. Allison isn’t allowed to work on the case because of family involvement but she looks into it anyway due to people accusing her son. A few days later tom’s best man, who was the one who slept with the fiancé, is also found dead. New equilibrium She turns herself in after finding out that it was her that committed these 2 murders. She gets sent to a psychiatric ward and after 7 years gets released and starts fresh. Gets remarried and becomes a wedding planner.
CHARACTERS Alison Fondeas -Mother of 2 children -Works as part of the police force as a sergeant -Recently divorced -Mental disorder Tom Fondeas -Recently broke of engagement -Adopted as a young child Tom’s ex-fiance / Best man -Cheated on Tom with his best man -Gets shot early on in the film along with the best man
OTS Wide camera shot in a field of tom and his fiancé arguing Cuts to black screen and goes into short riddled images: - See divorce papers on a table signed by him but not her, then watch her sign them slowly - Clip of her police badge - A hand taking off a wedding ring - Someone writing on the computer finding out information - Clip of Alison’s hand writing in diary - Last clip of tom’s fiancé being shot- close up on her tied to a chair - Blackout when you hear gun shot