Introduction: Chapter 1 Government - Institution through which society makes and enforces its public policies.
Introduction 4 purposes of Government Provide protection for the people Maintain social order by making and enforcing laws Provide essential services for the people Make decisions that influence the nations economy
Theories Theories of How Government Originated Divine Right Theory Rules are chosen by the gods Religion is the basis of authority Evolutionary Theory Developed by Charles Darwin Family was the 1st form of Govt. The family is the basis of authority Force Theory Seizure of power was the 1st act of Govt. Might makes right
Social Contract Theory Thomas Hobbes wrote Leviathan Tried to describe government Leader selected and contract made to follow rules Better than anarchy John Locke wrote Two Treaties of Govt. Agreed with Hobbes about contract, however he believed if people were unhappy they had the right to renegotiate or make a new contract State exists to serve the people People voluntarily give up some rights to be governed Changed our view of the world
Vocabulary Legislative – make laws (congress) Executive – enforce the laws (president) Judicial – interpret the laws (courts) Separation of power – division of power between legislative, executive, and judicial branches
Constitution – a written or unwritten plan of Govt. Politics – the effort to control or influence govt. conduct and policies Political Party – a group of individuals with broad common interests who organize to nominate candidates, win elections, conduct govt., and determine public policy Developing nation – nations that are in the early stages of industry and technology
Types of Governments Aristotle – Greek scholar – He was one of the early students of government. He identified types of governments.
Types Dictatorship – political system in which one person or a small group hold absolute power. Autocracy – the power to rule is in the hands of a single individual. Oligarchy – a small group holds absolute power. Features 1 party: sometimes hold elections but only 1 party running. Strong police force Unitary system – a govt. that gives all key powers to a national govt.
Types Democracy – Govt. in which the people rule. Representative democracy or Republic – a govt. in which voters hold sovereign power; elect representatives to exercise that power. Key elements Free elections with competing political parties. Individual liberty. Will of the majority cannot be used to deny minority groups of their rights. Federal system – a govt. that divides power between the national and state levels.
Criteria needed for democracy to succeed Active citizen participation Favorable economy Education Strong Civil Society Social Consensus
Vocabulary Confederacy – a loose alliance of independent states Revenue – money the govt. collects from taxes and other sources Limited Government – a system in which the power of govt. is not absolute
Economics Economics – study of human efforts to satisfy seemingly unlimited wants through the use of limited resources. Capitalism – an economic system providing free choice and individual incentive for workers, investors, consumers, and business enterprises Adam Smith – Scottish philosopher and economist, considered the “Father of Capitalism” Free Market – system in which buyers and sellers make free choices in the market place
Economics Socialism – an economic system in which the govt. owns the basic means of production, distribution, and provides social services Attempts to distribute wealth and economic opportunity equally
Economics Communism – an economic system in which the central govt. directs all major economic decisions Karl Marx – German philosopher that believed class struggle would lead to revolution. Divides people into 2 groups Bourgeoisie – people that own the means of production Proletariat – the workers Govt. decides how much to produce, what to produce and how to distribute goods and services
Economics Mixed Economy – the economic system that combines free enterprise with govt. regulation; the United States is considered to have a mixed economy based on free enterprise.
Chapter 2 Notes English had greatest impact on U.S. Govt. 1066 – William, Duke of Normandy conquered England – 1st centralized govt. in England 1215 – King John was forced to sign Magna Carta Established the principle of limited govt.
Chapter 2 Notes 1400 – Parliament was established; With 2 chambers. 1628 – Parliament passed the Petition of Right; placed clear limits on the power of King. 1689 – William and Mary signed the English Bill of Rights. Did away with Divine Right of Monarchs.
Chapter 2 Notes Code of Hammurabi – 1st code of written laws (1790 B.C.) 10 Commandments – strict moral code of Hebrew laws that influence many of our laws today. Machiavelli – wrote The Prince (1532), advising rulers to do anything necessary to remain in control. Don’t be hampered by considerations of honor or justice. Baron de Montesquieu – wrote Spirit of Laws (1750). Father of Constitutions – called for separation of powers with 3 co-equal branches.
Chapter 2 Notes Mayflower Compact – agreement signed by pilgrims declaring that they would be self governing. Virginia House of Burgesses – 1st elected legislature in America. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut – 1st written constitution in colonial America. New England Confederation – early colonial organization formed for defense against Native Americans. Maryland Toleration Act – basis for religious freedom in Colonial America.
Chapter 2 Notes Albany Plan of Union – Ben Franklin’s attempt to organize the colonies for trade and defense. Stamp Act Congress – organized protests against British policies in colonial America. 1st Continental Congress – called because of Intolerable Acts; led to embargo.
Chapter 2 Notes 2nd Continental Congress – assumed the power of a central govt. during the Revolutionary War. (1st govt. of U.S.) Declaration of Independence – chief author was Thomas Jefferson. Gave reasons we were rebelling.
Chapter 2 Notes Articles of Confederation – 1st written govt. of the U.S. Only 1 branch of govt. – legislative branch No president No courts Power to: 1. enter into treaties 2. make war and peace 3. set up a monetary system