How do you get to School? Draw your house in the top left corner and your school in the bottom right In the film-strip squares between them, draw pictures that show your journey to school (what do you see, what landmarks are there?) Put a smiley or sad face representing how you feel about each of the pictures next to them in each of the film-strip squares Complete the following boxes The best part of my journey is… The worst part of my journey is… My favourite place where I live is… Because…
What I feel... What I feel… Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade What I feel... What I feel… Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade What I feel... What I feel… Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade What I feel... What I feel… Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade What I feel... What I feel… Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade What I feel... What I feel… Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade Loud Quiet Loud Quiet Love Hate Love Hate Social Lonely Social Lonely Natural Manmade Natural - -Manmade
What I see and feel In what I see, draw something which represents what you see, eg a big car if the roads are busy, a small car if the roads are quiet, a big person if it is crowded, or some rubbish if it is untidy In what I feel, simply write a few words that sum up the area you are in, eg busy, exciting quiet, green, messy, grey etc
Doing fieldwork safely Make sure you have any medication you might need Make sure you have sensible clothing for being outside Stay with your group at all times Only cross the road when instructed to do so
Lingo Bingo Write one fact into each of the boxes which you discovered in the fieldwork activity (too many cars, lots of trees etc) Walk around class and cross off facts that you match with others You can only get one fact from each person you ask First one to four shoutsLingo Bingo to win!
My Manifesto Write down three things that you would like to change which would improve the area you live in These might include more 20mph speed limits, more trees, more cycling and walking paths
Our Class Manifesto As a class, agree the five most important things that you would all like to change which would improve the area you live in Our class manifesto for improving our area is: –1 –2 –3 –4 –5