Typefaces / Fonts zTypefaces are the visual symbols seen as printed images on a substrate (printing surface). Characters is another term used to identify all of the visual symbols used to compose a printed page.
Typeface Type Terms Ascender Line Descender Line Ascender Descenders
Typeface Type Terms Upper Case Character Lower Case Character
Typeface Type Terms “x” or body height of typeWaist Line Baseline
Type Terms T Set-Width Top Serif Stem Bottom Serif
Type Terms T T Serif Font Sans Serif Font
Type Terms T E Script Font Square Serif Font
Type Terms T E Decorative Font Old English
Type Terms zFamilies - consists of the variations of one style of type. zTimes zTimes New Roman Bold Times New Roman Special Italic
Type Terms zFont consists of the letters (caps and lower case), figures, and punctuation marks that are of one size and style of type. zFont series is a full range of sizes of one font
Type Terms - Type Sizes z32 point Arial z36 point Arial z40 point Arial z48 point Arial z54 point Arial
Type Terms zKerning - the space between characters (letter spacing) zTight Kerning zL o o s e K e r n i n g
Type Terms zLeading - Line spacing - determines the distance separating each line of copy. Leading - Line spacing - determines the distance separating each line of copy
Vocabulary zTypeface zTypographer zAscender zDescender zBase Line zWaist Line zPoint
Vocabulary zStroke zSerif zSans Serif zFamily zFont zKerning zLeading