11 Why used FTIR 非破壞性分析, 操作簡單, 分析快速 樣品直接分析, 幾乎勿需前處理 配合資料庫搜尋, 可作未知物分析 可利用化學官能基強度或光譜特性變化, 來做定量分析 無需化學試劑, 無環境污染問題, 安全無污染.


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Presentation transcript:

11 Why used FTIR 非破壞性分析, 操作簡單, 分析快速 樣品直接分析, 幾乎勿需前處理 配合資料庫搜尋, 可作未知物分析 可利用化學官能基強度或光譜特性變化, 來做定量分析 無需化學試劑, 無環境污染問題, 安全無污染

22 Introduction: The Electromagnetic Spectrum Increasing Energy RadioMicroFIR IRNIRUVX-rayGamma cm-112,82050, nm Increasing Wavelength K-shell electrons Outer-shell electrons Molecular vibrations Molecular Rotation

33 Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy …. -C-H cm -1 -C=O cm -1 =C-H cm -1 -C-O cm -1 -C=C cm -1 -O-H cm -1 -C-Cl cm -1 -N-H cm -1 -C-Br cm -1 Vibration frequencies are influenced by Atom Size Environment Bond Strength O H H ….provides a vast amount of chemical information IR Spectroscopy measures the radiation absorbed by materials due to molecular vibrations

44 Why Use Infrared Spectroscopy? Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy is an extremely powerful technique for identifying the molecular composition of many organic and inorganic materials. When analysed by infrared spectroscopy, materials produce a spectrum or fingerprint.