APA Format Annotated Bibliography
Format Title page: Title page: –Title, Your name, College-centered, each on one line. Each summary has its own page or two. Center the article title at the beginning. Each summary has its own page or two. Center the article title at the beginning. Reference page will be separate from summaries, heading should be centered. Reference page will be separate from summaries, heading should be centered. Double spaced, 12 pt. font, times new roman. Double spaced, 12 pt. font, times new roman.
Margins: 1 inch Margins: 1 inch Ragged right margin Ragged right margin Paragraphs indented ½ inch Paragraphs indented ½ inch
Reducing bias through language Nonsexist language Nonsexist language –Pronouns…no such thing as gender neutral “he” –Chairman? –“Man the table” –Connotations: spinster/bachelor; player/slut –Interpretations: feisty vs. fast/skilled
Referencing groups Use terms chosen by population you’re writing about Use terms chosen by population you’re writing about Schizophrenia or person with schizophrenia? Schizophrenia or person with schizophrenia? Broken home vs. Divorced parents Broken home vs. Divorced parents Person of Color vs. Minority Person of Color vs. Minority Sexual minorities, lgbtq, queer, etc. Sexual minorities, lgbtq, queer, etc. Etc. Etc.