APA STYLE Created by Denise Regeimbal and Amanda Rutstein, 2012
B ASIC APA R ESEARCH P APER E LEMENTS Structure and content Clear and concise organization Mechanics of style Tables and figures Parenthetical citations References
G ETTING S TARTED G ENERAL D OCUMENT F ORMATTING Setting up a Word document Select Font/Font Size Times New Roman Font Size 12 1” margins all around Left justified with right ragged edge Double spaced All paper elements should be double spaced except in-text table/figure notation Indent the first line of all paragraphs
T ITLE P AGE E LEMENTS Header Running head and paper title Page numbers Title page body Paper Title Your Name Institution The university pledge APA sample title page
B ASIC APA E LEMENTS OF A R ESEARCH P APER Abstract Sample APA style research paper Basic Elements of a Research Paper Introduction Body of paper In-text citations Parenthetical Tables and figures Conclusion References Reference page format
Q UOTATION R ULES Frame all quotes Punctuation goes inside quotation marks Block quotes: Any quote longer than four lines of text (or at the professor’s discretion) Indent each line of the quote Omit quotation marks Single space
E XTRAS Following the professor’s specific instructions Using the MS Word References tab or other Five Levels of Heading: 1: Centered, bold, upper and lower case 2: Left justified, bold, upper and lower case 3: Indented, bold, lowercase sentence construction ending with a period 4: Indented, bold, italicized, lowercase sentence construction ending with a period 5: Indented, italicized, lowercase sentence construction ending with a period
E XTRAS C ONTINUED Whole numbers under 10 are spelled out while whole numbers over 10 are numerical. Use full name of source the first time and then refer to source by last name in subsequent references Article titles are not framed with quotation marks in the reference list When there are more than three sources in a parenthetical citation, replace all but the first name with “et al.” after the first use of that citation Do not cite Wikipedia…just don’t
W RITING C ENTER I NFORMATION Fredericksburg Campus Writing Center (540) Located in Trinkle 107A Monday-Thursday 10-5 and Friday 10-3 Stafford Campus Writing Center (540) Located in the lobby of the South Building Monday-Thursday 4-8 *Handouts regarding APA Style guidelines and punctuation rules are available at both the Fredericksburg and Stafford Writing Centers
W HERE TO G O F OR ADDITIONAL I NFORMATION Sixth Edition of APA Publication Manual Purchase highly recommended Stafford Writing Center website Fredericksburg Writing Center website APA website The Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue Owl) Purdue Owl