BBC series: “State of the Earth”
BBC Quiz What is the underlying cause of most of the environmental problems facing humankind today? Identify two (of the several) “ecosystem services” discussed in the BBC series. What are the predictions for climate change impacts on food production? What is the chief chemical culprit involved global warming? What country is the biggest emitter of this pollution?
Global Carbon Cycle /hi/sci_nat/04/climate_change/htm l/carbon.stm e/ stm
Evidence for global temperature increases stm (see “evidence” pull-down feature)
Global temperature increases /hi/sci_nat/04/climate_change/htm l/climate.stm
CO 2 effects on photosynthesis C4 > C3 at low CO2 But, C3 > C4 at high CO2
*At high CO2, C3 more efficient than C4 at all temps. (photosynthesis only, not other processes)
BBC Series Introduction- Part I stm
BBC Series Introduction- Part II stm
BBC- Can the planet feed us? stm
BBC- Climate change: uncharted waters stm
BBC- U.S. climate (in)action s/ stm
BBC articles for in-class quiz & discussion