Aviation Security Quality Controls A Blueprint for APEC Economies February 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Aviation Security Quality Controls A Blueprint for APEC Economies February 2006

TSA-TSNM International February Agenda  Project + Commitment  Background  The Case for Quality Control  International Requirements  Key Components Identified by G8  Benefits

TSA-TSNM International February Project + Commitment  Intent of this project is to improve international aviation security through more effective national monitoring and enforcement of the delivery of aviation security standards.  Seek commitment from APEC member Economies to:  Develop a civil aviation security quality control program for their respective jurisdictions to meet basic international requirements by the end of 2006; and,  Implement an effective compliance and enforcement program that meets or exceeds international quality control standards by the end of 2007.

TSA-TSNM International February Background  Originally developed by the UK for the G8 Lyon/Roma subgroup for the Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative (SAFTI) as a deliverable for the Gleneagles Summit in  Resulting advice and best practices document was distributed to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in November 2005 for inclusion in the ICAO Security Manual.  It was also provided to the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) and the European Union (EU) for the purpose of providing guidance to member States.

TSA-TSNM International February The Case for Quality Control  Terrorists remain focused on using the network nature of international civil aviation as a means of committing large-scale attacks affecting people, economies and lives on a global scale.  Economies have a shared obligation to set, monitor, and enforce high standards for civil aviation security.  A robust quality control program will ensure both:  Compliance with aviation security legislation; and,  Good implementation of operational procedures.

TSA-TSNM International February International Requirements  APEC economies belonging to ICAO are required, under Amendment 11 to Annex 17, to implement legislation to regulate aviation security, and to design, establish, and sustain quality control measures.  APEC economies not belonging to ICAO will find the best practices offered here will assist in ensuring quality control of international standards while strengthening the overall security of aviation in all APEC economies.

TSA-TSNM International February International Requirements Excerpts from Amendment 11 on Quality Control  Article 3.4.4: develop, implement and maintain a national civil aviation security quality control program to determine compliance and validate effectiveness  Article 3.4.5: security measures (shall) be regularly subjected to verification; priorities and frequency of monitoring shall be determined on the basis of risk  Article 3.4.6: security audits, tests, surveys and inspections, (shall) be conducted on a regular basis to verify compliance and to provide for the rapid and effective rectification of any deficiencies

TSA-TSNM International February International Requirements Excerpts from Amendment 11 on Quality Control (continued)  Article 3.4.7: management, setting of priorities and organization shall be undertaken independently from the entities and persons responsible for the implementation of the measures  (a) ensure that the personnel are trained to appropriate standards for these tasks  (b) ensure that the personnel are afforded the necessary authority to enforce corrective actions  (c) establish a confidential reporting system for analyzing security information provided by sources such as passengers, crew, ground personnel, etc.  (d) establish a process to record and analyze the results of the quality control program to identify the causes and patterns of non- compliance and verify that corrective actions have been implemented and sustained

TSA-TSNM International February Key Components Identified by G8  Promulgate effective legislation  Train quality control staff  Maintain independence of development from implementation  Prioritize approach using risk-based methodology  Vary techniques to monitor compliance  Standardize and organize approach to verification of compliance and recording of results  Apply appropriate measures to correct deficiencies

TSA-TSNM International February Benefits  Verification of compliance with the economy’s national civil aviation security program and ensuring that any deficiencies are immediately corrected will result in improved aviation security worldwide.  Additional benefits:  Motivate security staff  Contribute to policy-making process  Build relationships between regulator and regulated parties  Provide opportunities for information exchange  Practice at national level leads to compliance at international level (ICAO USAP).