Background information Options Decision Tree of Pros & Cons Vote
Decision Tree of Pros and Cons
Examples of How Options Could Look Option 1 * Affirm the name of the corporation to be Alliance for Strategic Growth, Inc. and seek legal counsel to implement dba (doing business as) for Workforce Investment Board business, name usage, etc. when appropriate. a.) b.) *Note: Domain name is secured for Option 1.
Examples of How Options Could Look Option 2 * Amend the name of the corporation to some derivative of the Workforce Investment Board name. a.) b.) c.) d.) e.) f.) *Note: Domain names are available for all derivatives of Option 2.
Examples of How Options Could Look Option 3 * Do nothing at this time and the name of the corporation will continue to be Alliance for Strategic Growth, Inc. until affirmative action is taken, possibly as a result of the Marketing & Communications study. Temporarily – same choices as Option 1. a.) b.) *Note: Domain name is secured for Option 3.
What we are asking you to do TODAY or NO LATER THAN Tuesday, September 27. Reflect on the parameters and choices. Follow this link to vote on your choice of Option 1, 2 or 3. Attend the EGR 6 WIB full board meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 28, to finalize.
Thank You!