1 Update to the Board of Research Data on Information CENDI Federal STI Managers’ Group CENDI Federal STI Managers’ Group January 31, 2012 Lisa Weber,


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Presentation transcript:

1 Update to the Board of Research Data on Information CENDI Federal STI Managers’ Group CENDI Federal STI Managers’ Group January 31, 2012 Lisa Weber, NARA CENDI Chair

2 Interagency group of senior federal STI managers who agree to cooperate by o Exchanging information and ideas o Sharing resources o Undertaking joint initiatives o From policy to standards to operations 12 member agencies from organizations that manage over 97% of the Federal R&D budget Two formalized partnerships o ICSTI o NFAIS What is CENDI?

3 To help improve the productivity of federal science- and technology-based programs through effective scientific, technical, and related information support systems. 1. STI Coordination and Leadership 2. Improvement of STI Systems 3. STI Understanding 1. STI Coordination and Leadership 2. Improvement of STI Systems 3. STI Understanding CENDI’s Mission and Goals

Continued Development of the Grand Challenge: i-Science2Jobs Value and Impact of Scientific Data and Information Management Continued Development of Connections with Policy Leaders and Initiatives Repositories as part of STI Knowledge Infrastructure 4 CENDI Interests in Data and Information Policy

CENDI Grand Challenge i-Science2Jobs VisionVision Science.gov platformScience.gov platform Buy-in with related Communities of PracticeBuy-in with related Communities of Practice Increase visibilityIncrease visibility 5

Value and Impact of Scientific Data Pursuing the Value Proposition for CENDI members and our programsPursuing the Value Proposition for CENDI members and our programs Involving other Communities of Practice in the information value chainInvolving other Communities of Practice in the information value chain –Tech Transfer –StarMetrics Opportunity with BRDI to use forum results as input for future meeting to explore metrics and impactsOpportunity with BRDI to use forum results as input for future meeting to explore metrics and impacts 6

Connections with Policy Leaders and Initiatives National Science Board Task Force on Scientific DataNational Science Board Task Force on Scientific Data NSF/NITRD, NIST National Computer LaboratoryNSF/NITRD, NIST National Computer Laboratory Office of Science and Technology Policy Interagency Working GroupsOffice of Science and Technology Policy Interagency Working Groups Invitation to new Federal CIOInvitation to new Federal CIO 7

Repositories as Part of STI Knowledge Infrastructure Repositories in Science and Technology: Preserving Access to the Record of Science workshop held November, 2011Repositories in Science and Technology: Preserving Access to the Record of Science workshop held November, 2011 Sold out successful workshopSold out successful workshop Examples of different business models for repositories: data and text, institutional and disciplinary, government supported and private sectorExamples of different business models for repositories: data and text, institutional and disciplinary, government supported and private sector Possible outcome was a social media discussion about:Possible outcome was a social media discussion about: Interest to continue inter-sector cooperation in repository developmentInterest to continue inter-sector cooperation in repository development NIST proposal for repository interoperability standardsNIST proposal for repository interoperability standards 8

CENDI Chair: Lisa Weber/NARA CENDI Co-Chair: Jerry Sheehan/NLM Executive Director: Bonnie Carroll/IIA 9 For More CENDI Information

Additional Information about CENDI 10

12 Federal Government agencies National libraries, departmental STI centers, cross cutting information organizations, research funding programs CENDI MEMBERS 11

12 CENDI Members (Principals and Alternates) CENDI Members (Principals and Alternates) Observers and Cooperating Organizations Observers and Cooperating Organizations Science.gov Alliance Science.gov Alliance Multi-agency Coordination Activity Multi-agency Coordination Activity Digitization Specifications Terminology Resources in a Networked Environment Automated Harvesting of Metadata Semantic Technologies Web harvesting and crawling Alliance Principals Alliance Alternates Content Management Promotions STI Policy Working Group Copyright and Intellectual Property Working Group Copyright and Intellectual Property Working Group Secretariat Institutional Repositories Personally Identifiable Information (PII ) Information (PII )

13 Internships and fellowships section made searchable Image search New databases added Library Journal named Science.gov as a 2006 Top Web Reference Science.gov model used to launch Worldwidescience.org Annual source queries exceed 44M Named one of Top 10 Government Websites by GCN. RSS feeds from 11 federal agencies compiled and displayed in real time Science.gov’s Continued Success