WPCF'08 Krakow1 Femtoscopic Correlations of Nonidentical Particles R. Lednický, JINR Dubna & IP ASCR Prague History Assumptions Correlation asymmetries Conclusion
2 History Fermi’34: e ± Nucleus Coulomb FSI in β-decay modifies the relative momentum (k) distribution → Fermi (correlation) function F(k,Z,R) is sensitive to Nucleus radius R if charge Z » 1 measurement of space-time characteristics R, c ~ fm Correlation femtoscopy : of particle production using particle correlations
3 Fermi function(k,Z,R) in β-decay = | -k (r)| 2 ~ (kR) -(Z/137) 2 Z=83 (Bi) β-β- β+β+ R=8 4 2 fm k MeV/c
4 Modern correlation femtoscopy formulated by Kopylov & Podgoretsky KP’71-75: settled basics of correlation femtoscopy in > 20 papers proposed CF= N corr /N uncorr & showed that sufficiently smooth momentum spectrum allows one to neglect space-time coherence: (for non-interacting identical particles) mixing techniques to construct N uncorr clarified role of space-time characteristics in various models |∫ d 4 x 1 d 4 x 2 p 1 p 2 ( x 1,x 2 )... | 2 → ∫ d 4 x 1 d 4 x 2 p 1 p 2 ( x 1,x 2 )| 2...
5 QS symmetrization of production amplitude momentum correlations of identical particles are sensitive to space-time structure of the source CF=1+(-1) S cos q x p 1 p 2 x1x1 x 2 q = p 1 - p 2 → {0,2k} x = x 1 - x 2 → {t,r} nn t, t , nn s, s |q| 1/R 0 total pair spin 2R 0 KP’71-75 exp(-ip 1 x 1 ) CF → | S -k ( r )| 2 = | [ e -ikr +(-1) S e ikr ]/√2 | 2
6 Final State Interaction Similar to Coulomb distortion of -decay Fermi’34: e -ikr -k ( r ) [ e -ikr +f( k )e ikr / r ] eicAceicAc F=1+ _______ + … kr+kr kaka Coulomb s-wave strong FSI FSI f c A c (G 0 +iF 0 ) } } Bohr radius } Point-like Coulomb factor k=|q|/2 CF nn pp Coulomb only | 1+f/r| 2 FSI is sensitive to source size r and scattering amplitude f It complicates CF analysis but makes possible Femtoscopy with nonidentical particles K, p,.. & Study relative space-time asymmetries delays, flow Study “exotic” scattering , K, KK, , p , ,.. Coalescence deuterons,.. | -k (r)| 2 Migdal, Watson, Sakharov, … Koonin, GKW,...
Assumptions to derive “Fermi” formula for CF in multiparticle production CF = | -k* (r*)| 2 - t FSI t prod |k * | = ½|q * | hundreds MeV/c - equal time approximation in PRF typical momentum transfer RL, Lyuboshitz’82 eq. time condition |t*| r* 2 OK fig. RL, Lyuboshitz..’98 + 0 0, - p 0 n, K + K K 0 K 0,... & account for coupled channels within the same isomultiplet only: - two-particle approximation (small freezeout PS density f ) ~ OK, 1 ? low p t fig. - smoothness approximation: | p| |q| peak R emitter R source ~ OK in HIC, R source 2 0.1 fm 2 p t 2 -slope of direct particles
8 Phase space density from CFs and spectra Bertsch’94 May be high phase space density at low p t ? ? Pion condensate or laser ? Multiboson effects on CFs spectra & multiplicities rises up to SPS Lisa..’05
BS-amplitude For free particles relate p to x through Fourier transform: Then for interacting particles: Product of plane waves -> BS-amplitude : Production probability W(p 1, p 2 | Τ(p 1,p 2 ; ) | 2
10 Smoothness approximation: r A « r 0 p 1 p 2 x1x1 x 2 2r 0 W(p 1, p 2 |∫ d 4 x 1 d 4 x 2 p 1 p 2 ( x 1,x 2 ) Τ(x 1,x 2 ; ) | 2 x1’x1’ x2’x2’ ≈ ∫ d 4 x 1 d 4 x 2 | p 1 p 2 ( x 1,x 2 ) | 2 G (x 1,p 1 ;x 2,p 2 ) r 0 - Source radius r A - Emitter radius p1p2 (x 1,x 2 ) p1p2 *(x 1 ’,x 2 ’) Τ(x 1,x 2 ; )Τ*(x 1 ’,x 2 ’ ; ) G(x 1,p 1 ;x 2,p 2 ) = ∫ d 4 ε 1 d 4 ε 2 exp(ip 1 ε 1 +ip 2 ε 2 ) Τ ( x 1 +½ε 1,x 2 +½ε 2 ; )Τ * (x 1 -½ε 1,x 2 -½ε 2 ; ) Source function = ∫d 4 x 1 d 4 x 1 ’d 4 x 2 d 4 x 2 ’
11 Effect of nonequal times in pair cms RL, Lyuboshitz SJNP 35 (82) 770; RL nucl-th/ Applicability condition of equal-time approximation: |t*| r* 2 r 0 =2 fm 0 =2 fm/c r 0 =2 fm v=0.1 OK for heavy particles OK within 5% even for pions if 0 ~r 0 or lower →
12 NA49 central Pb+Pb 158 AGeV vs RQMD Long tails in RQMD: r* = 21 fm for r* < 50 fm 29 fm for r* < 500 fm Fit CF=Norm [ Purity RQMD(r* Scale r*)+1-Purity] Scale=0.76Scale=0.92 Scale=0.83 RQMD overestimates r* by 10-20% at SPS cf ~ OK at AGS worse at RHIC p
13 Correlation asymmetries CF of identical particles sensitive to terms even in k*r* (e.g. through cos 2k*r* ) measures only dispersion of the components of relative separation r * = r 1 * - r 2 * in pair cms CF of nonidentical particles sensitive also to terms odd in k*r* measures also relative space-time asymmetries - shifts r * RL, Lyuboshitz, Erazmus, Nouais PLB 373 (1996) 30 Construct CF +x and CF -x with positive and negative k* -projection k x * on a given direction x and study CF-ratio CF +x /CF x SUBATECH (1994)
14 Simplified idea of CF asymmetry (valid for Coulomb FSI) x x v v v1v1 v2v2 v1v1 v2v2 k*/ = v 1 -v 2 p p k* x > 0 v > v p k* x < 0 v < v p Assume emitted later than p or closer to the center p p Longer t int Stronger CF Shorter t int Weaker CF CF CF LLEN’94 (also Gelderloos et al’94, Cornell et al'96)
15 CF-asymmetry for charged particles Asymmetry arises mainly from Coulomb FSI CF A c ( ) |F(-i ,1,i )| 2 =(k*a) -1, =k*r*+k*r* F 1+ = 1+r*/a+k*r*/(k*a) r* |a| k* 1/r* Bohr radius } ±226 fm for ± p ±388 fm for + ± CF +x /CF x 1+2 x* /a k* 0 x* = x 1 *-x 2 * r x * Projection of the relative separation r* in pair cms on the direction x In LCMS ( v z =0) or x || v : x* = t ( x - v t t) CF asymmetry is determined by space and time asymmetries
16 Large lifetimes evaporation or phase transition x || v | x| | t| CF-asymmetry yields time delay Ghisalberti’95 GANIL Pb+Nb p+d+X CF + (pd) CF (pd) CF + /CF < 1 Deuterons earlier than protons in agreement with coalescence e -t p / e -t n / e -t d /( /2) since t p t n t d Two-phase thermodynamic model CF + /CF < Strangeness distillation : K earlier than K in baryon rich QGP Ardouin et al.’99
17 ad hoc time shift t = –10 fm/c CF + /CF Sensitivity test for ALICE a, fm 84 226 249 CF + /CF 1+2 x* /a k* 0 Here x* = - v t CF-asymmetry scales as - t /a Erazmus et al.’95 Delays of several fm/c can be easily detected
18 Usually: x and t comparable RQMD Pb+Pb p +X central 158 AGeV : x = -5.2 fm t = 2.9 fm/c x* = -8.5 fm + p-asymmetry effect 2 x* /a -8% Shift x in out direction is due to collective transverse flow RL’99-01 x p > x K > x > 0 & higher thermal velocity of lighter particles rtrt y x FF tTtT tt FF = flow velocity tTtT = transverse thermal velocity tt = F + t T = observed transverse velocity x r x = r t cos = r t ( t 2 + F2 - t T2 )/(2 t F ) y r y = r t sin = 0 mass dependence z r z sinh = 0 in LCMS & Bjorken long. exp. out side measures edge effect at y CMS 0
pion Kaon Proton BW Distribution of emission points at a given equal velocity: - Left, x = 0.73c, y = 0 - Right, x = 0.91c, y = 0 Dash lines: average emission R x R x ( ) < R x (K) < R x (p) p x = 0.15 GeV/c p x = 0.3 GeV/c p x = 0.53 GeV/cp x = 1.07 GeV/c p x = 1.01 GeV/cp x = 2.02 GeV/c For a Gaussian density profile with a radius R G and linear flow velocity profile F (r) = 0 r/ R G RL’04, Akkelin-Sinyukov’96 : x = R G x 0 /[ 0 2 +T/m t ] 0.73c0.91c
NA49 & STAR out-asymmetries Pb+Pb central 158 AGeV not corrected for ~ 25% impurity r* RQMD scaled by 0.8 Au+Au central s NN =130 GeV corrected for impurity Mirror symmetry (~ same mechanism for and mesons) RQMD, BW ~ OK points to strong transverse flow pp pp KK ( t yields ~ ¼ of CF asymmetry)
21 Decreasing R(p t ): x-p correlation usually attributed to collective flow taken for granted femtoscopy the only way to confirm x-p correlations x 2 -p correlation:yes x -p correlation:yes Non-flow possibility hot core surrounded by cool shell important ingredient of Buda-Lund hydro picture Csörgő & Lörstad’96 x 2 -p correlation:yes x -p correlation:no x = R G x 0 /[ 0 2 +T/m t + T/T r ] radial gradient of T decreasing asymmetry ~1 ? problem M. Lisa’07
22 Summary Assumptions behind femtoscopy theory in HIC seem OK Wealth of data on correlations of various particle species ( ,K 0,p , , ) is available & gives unique space-time info on production characteristics including collective flows Rather direct evidence for strong transverse flow in HIC at SPS & RHIC comes from nonidentical particle correlation asymmetries (lower thermal velocities of heavier particles lead to mass hierarchy of the shifts arising due to flow) For femtoscopic correlations of nonidentical particles, there is no problem with two-track resolution though, in the case of very different masses a large detector acceptance is required Info on two-particle strong interaction: & & p scattering lengths from HIC at SPS and RHIC. Good perspective at RHIC and LHC
23 Beta decay rate d 6 N/(d 3 p 1 d 3 p 2 ) = d 6 N 0 /(d 3 p 1 d 3 p 2 ) | -k (r * )| 2 d 5 w = ∑ spins ∫ d 3 p d 3 q d 3 k δ 4 (p 0 -p-q-k) |∫d 3 x Τ(x; spins ) e iqx -k * (x)| 2 = ∑ spins ∫ d 3 p d 3 q d 3 k δ 4 (p 0 -p-q-k) ∫ d 3 x d 3 x’ Τ(x; spins ) Τ * (x’;spins) e iq(x-x’) -k * (x) -k (x’) p 0 (A) = p(A’) - q(ν) - k(e) ∑ spins ∫ d 3 k ∫d 3 x |Τ(x; spins )| 2 | -k * (x)| 2 Neglecting the limitation due to energy-momentum conservation cf classical sources approximation valid in multiparticle production ∫ d 3 q →
24 Fermi theory of beta decay d 5 w = ∑ spins ∫ d 3 p d 3 q d 3 k δ 4 (p 0 -p-q-k) |∫d 3 x Τ(x; spins ) e iqx -k * (x)| 2 ≈ ∑ spins ∫ d 3 p d 3 q d 3 k δ 4 (p 0 -p-q-k) | -k (x)| 2 |∫d 3 x Τ(x; spins )| 2 ρ
25 Conclusion from beta decay Formally (FSI) correlations in beta decay and multiparticle production are determined by the same (Fermi) function | -k (x)| 2 But this factor appears for different reasons in beta decay (a weak r-dependence of -k (r) within the nucleus volume + point like emission) and in multiparticle production (valid classical particle sources approximation + small source sizes compared to their separation in HIC)
26 Grassberger’77: fire sausage Dispersion of emitter velocities & limited emission momenta (T) x-p correlation: correlation dominated by pions from nearby emitters besides geometry, femtoscopy probes source dynamics - expansion
27 Correlation study of particle interaction - + & & p scattering lengths f 0 from NA49 and STAR NA49 CF( + ) vs RQMD with SI scale: f 0 sisca f 0 (= 0.232fm ) sisca = 0.6 0.1 compare ~0.8 from S PT & BNL data E765 K e Fits using RL-Lyuboshitz’82 NA49 CF( ) data prefer | f 0 ( )| f 0 (NN) ~ 20 fm STAR CF( p ) data point to Re f 0 ( p ) < Re f 0 ( pp ) 0 Im f 0 ( p ) ~ Im f 0 ( pp ) ~ 1 fm pp
28 Correlation study of particle interaction - + scattering length f 0 from NA49 CF Fit CF( + ) by RQMD with SI scale: f 0 sisca f 0 input f 0 input = fm sisca = 0.6 0.1 Compare with ~0.8 from S PT & BNL E765 K e ++ CF=Norm [ Purity RQMD(r* Scale r*)+1-Purity]