Partnership Performance Management Framework
1. Ref number 2. Description: title / short description of the indicator as used by Thematic Partnership or Safeguarding Board 3. Thematic Partnership or Safeguarding Board who use the indicator 4. Link to City Plan 5. Partner Data Source 6. Lead / Officer Provides Data 7. Frequency of data 8. Target: all indicators MUST have an annual target for 2015/16 9. Baseline 10. YTD 2015/ Same Period Last Year 12. Trajectory for improvement based on baseline (No 9) 13. Trend: actual outcome based on baseline (No 9) 14. RAG rating: 15. GM Comparator Position (where known) 16. Brief comment on performance 17. Contact Officer (Thematic Partnership or Safeguarding Board Business Manager) Information for each indicator
Suggested Indicator Set Progressing early intervention and prevention Children reaching expected standard at Early Years Foundation Stage Percentage of the eligible population offered / received an NHS Health Check First time entrants to the criminal justice system Focussing on supporting the most vulnerable All crime Number of episodes of children in Salford reported Missing from Home to GM Police Proportion of vulnerable adults who use services who feel safe Establishing Salford as a Social Value City Number of signatories to the Social Value Pledge Number of members of the Social Value Alliance Embedding social value in everything that we do Launch of social value standards charter Examples from organisations across the Partnership and signed up to the Social in Salford pledge Rates of change in headline social value outcomes Maximising business growth and investment Employment, education and training at age 18 Number of adults with a level 3 qualification Housing indicator to be identified Building our resilience Social connectedness Credit Union membership Hate crime WellbeingSocial ValueGrowth