A T Y Lui, D. G. Sibeck, T. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, K.-H. Glassmeier, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, D. Larson, J. Bonnell, + … Outline Previous: Reconstruction based on solving Grad-Shafranov equation Benchmarking of procedure Results of reconstruction for magnetic flux rope seen by Themis. Present: Comparison between model and observed parameters Current density and structure from each Themis satellite. Reconstruction of plasma configuration from Themis observations Progress Report
Magnetic flux rope on 2007 May 20 found by David Sibeck The plasma structures seen by Themis A and E are quite similar. Observed Structure from Themis S/C ABC DE
Magnetic Field Strength Contours From David Sibeck 10nT contours Red high, Blue low Bx, By
Vector Potential Themis B Themis C Themis D Themis E
Comparison of plasma parameters between the model and observed values along the satellite track - red lines denote model values and black lines denote observed values. Comparison of Plasma Parameters-1 Themis BThemis CThemis DThemis E
Quantitative comparison of magnetic field components between the model and observed values along the satellite track - black, red, and blue symbols denote x-, y-, and z-components, respectively. The extremely good agreement is reflected by the correlation coefficients between observed and model values ranging from to Comparison of Plasma Parameters-2 Themis BThemis CThemis DThemis E
Themis D Parameters From Reconstruction - 1 The current density is derived from curl B calculation using the 2D approximation: The normalized magnetic field vector along the satellite track on the XY-plane is shown by the arrow in the B z panel.
Themis C Parameters From Reconstruction - 2 A stronger B z region is located in the positive y-direction. Current density in the y-direction is quite strong, comparable to that along the z- direction.
Themis B Parameters From Reconstruction - 3 Strong and weak B z regions are present in the positive y- direction. Weak B z region is located in the negative y-direction. Current densities on the XY-plane are quite strong in comparison with that in the z- direction.
Themis E Parameters From Reconstruction - 4 Magnetic field and current density patterns are quite structured in general because Themis E was mainly in the magnetosheath region.