MOI-106 Regalia ™ SC (formerly Milsana ® ) Julie Versman, VP Marketing
Founded 2006 by Pam Marrone, Davis CA Natural products that focus on unmet needs for weed, pest and plant disease management. Product discovery from 1) in-house screening 2) in-licensing A rich pipeline of products in development with applications for specialty crops Marrone Organic Innovations
Source: Extract from giant knotweed Reynoutria sachalinensis (REYSA). Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC) Target pathogens controlled (edible crops and ornamentals): Powdery mildew, Gray mold, Rust Bacterial blight, Bacterial canker, Bacterial spot, Target spot, Bacterial speck, Early blight and Late blight of tomato MOI-106 Regalia ™ SC Fungicide Overview
Mode of Action: Induction of plant defense responses. – 5 x Enzymes of the phenolic pathway – increased production of phytoalexins Registration status - Has EPA crop and non-crop registrations as biochemical biopesticide. (grapes, cucurbits, strawberries, walnuts, peppers, lettuce, tomato, citrus) - Has California crop and non-crop label (grapes, cucurbits, strawberries, walnuts, peppers, lettuce) Overview continued
MOI-106 Regalia ™ SC - Use/Timing Apply at the rate of % in 50 to 100 gallons of water per acre. Add wetting agent at recommended label rate Use the spray mixture preventatively at the 4-6 leaf plant stage and repeat spraying every 7-14 days depending on disease pressure. Recommend 0.5% v/v rate in a tank mix with properly labeled rates of Maneb, Mancozeb, or copper products for broad spectrum control of bacterial speck, target spot, tomato late blight and gray mold.
Regalia ™ SC on Food Crops Grapes Cucurbits Strawberries Lettuce Walnuts Tomatoes Peppers Citrus Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, Downy Mildew, Gummy stem blight Bacterial blight, Bacterial canker, Bacterial leaf spot, Target spot, Bacterial speck Tomato late blight & early blight, Diseases:
Regalia ™ SC on Ornamentals Powdery Mildew (Oidium spp) Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea) Rust (Puccinia antirrhini) Begonias Lisianthus Salvias Crape myrtle Petunias Snapdragons Freesias Poinsettias Zinnias Gerbera Roses Diseases
Field Data Treatments were applied with a tractor-mounted boom sprayer that delivered 50 gal/acre at 100 psi. Treatment dates: 1=Jan 11; 2=Feb 1; 3= Feb 13; 4=Feb 27 Regalia
Field Data Volume=66 gal/A Applications were made weekly for 14 weeks
Coming soon: Organic, Concentrated (5%) formulation of Regalia NEW: MOI Hinokitiol-based broad-spectrum fungicide for Botrytus control…
Potential IR-4 Projects Test Regalia SC as part of IPM programs in ornamentals, vegetables, fruit, vines (Botrytis, mildews, bacterial diseases. Other diseases ? Test Regalia SC on turf diseases Test efficacy against other pathogens, such as oomycetes (Phytophthora spp.) Bridging studies to organic formulation
MOI-106 Regalia ™ SC (formerly Milsana ® ) Julie Versman, VP Marketing