Electronic Crime & Abuse Presented by Kingsley Ogbonna Ye Tian Mofolake Akinwonmi
Outline Internet Fraud Identity Theft Computer Intrusion (i.e. Hacking) Internet Security Child Exploitation Digital Media Piracy
Introduction With the introduction of the internet, new technologically advanced crimes have evolved from old crimes. A closer look Crimes include Fraud, Child pornography, Phishing, Spam, Cyber stalking, Denial of service and Hacking. Internet popularity An opportunity for criminals to turn technology into a tool of crime and abuse. Internet anonymity Difficult and sometimes almost impossible to detect criminals.
Internet Fraud What does it mean? Fraud scheme that utilizes the various internet facilities to present and commit fraudulent activities. What are the major types? Business-opportunity/work-at home schemes, Auction & Retail schemes online, Identity theft, Investment schemes, Credit card schemes, Advance fee fraud.
Identity theft A current growing crime, causing individuals and governments a fortune. Annual cost to victims in the US is about $5 million. Costs the UK economy £1.3billion in 2002 (cabinet office figures 2003)
How identities are stolen Your identity can be obtained through Bin raiding, phishing, Shoulder-surfing, Skimming cards, Spoof letters, lottery frauds etc. How is it used? Check fraud, credit card fraud, mortgage fraud, and other financial crimes. To enable terrorism, illegal immigration, obtain medical help and evade criminal prosecution.
Tips on prevention Can you protect yourself? Yes, Dont easily give away your data Destroy documents bearing your personal Information Keep your important documents in a safe place. Treat your credit cards as if they are cash
Computer Intrusion (i.e. Hacking) Three Types of offence Hacking -- breaking into computer systems without authorization Cracking -- breaking or removing copy- protection on software Phreaking -- exploring communications (e.g. telephone) networks to gain free access, calls or information
Hacking: types of attack Viruses - most common form of attack Denial of Service attacks (DoS & DDoS)DoS DDoS Trojans (or Trojan horses)Trojans Brute-Force and `Social Engineering' Password attacksBrute-Force Port scanning and spoofing Phishing
Loss caused by Hacking Interest Harmed: Confidentiality Integrity Availability Financial loss Computer crime cases Computer crime cases Target: Private Public Threats to public health or safety
Internet Security Three areas of Internet security: Physical Security Data Security Server & Software Security Three aspects of data protection: Privacy Integrity Authenticity
Legislation Objective: Protecting personal data Promoting better access to public data Acts: Computer Misuse Act 1990 Data Protection Act 1998 Freedom of Information Act 2000
To be hacked or not to be, Its a question! Acknowledgement My brave Laptop…
Child Exploitation On the Internet How much access should children have on the Internet?
Child Exploitation : This can be described as the sexual exploitation of children through possession, distribution of child pornographic materials, and child trafficking. Paedophile : A child sexual abuser. Definitions Child A young person below the age of 18 years. A person between birth and puberty who has not attained maturity.
Child Exploitation Online The Internet has been of tremendous benefit for the child in learning and development. Internet has become a medium for child maltreatment, sexual and emotional abuse, exposure to offensive material. Paedophiles use a technique known as online grooming to lure children into child pornography.
Online Paedophile Presence - Prominence on the Web In the U.K, The W0nderland Club Membership was granted when an individual could provide 10,000 pictures of children being sexually abused that would then be circulated to members worldwide. In the U.S, The North American Men/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) Their goal: To end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by building understanding and support for such relationships and educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love (NAMBLA, 2001).
Child Predators Use the Internet…… 1. Provides easy access to victims i.e. children. 2.Internet provides anonymity in identity. 3.Easy access to private details. e.g. phone no 4. Internet chat rooms provides avenue for grooming activity. 5. Children divulge sensitive information easily through chat rooms. 6. Easy duplication and distribution of inappropriate / pornographic materials.
Preventive Measures for Child Safety Online 1.Keep user names & profiles generic and anonymous. 2. Avoid posting personal photos online. 3.Keep private information private. 4. Keep computer in open area. 5. Remind children that unknown online friends are strangers. 6. Be a part of your childs online experience. 7. Be aware of phone calls, chat messages, mails sent by your child.
Child Safety Online – Everyones Responsibility Govt Provide virtual police services that empower children to report crime, restricting child access to unprotected sites. Parents Monitor, supervise child surfing activity on the internet. Online Communities Outreaches to empower students, teachers, parents, and adults to safeguard the childs online experience. Development of watch dog organisations for online safety, software to safeguard children online.
Digital Media Piracy Piracy is an illegal theft or reproduction of creative works by owners of intellectual property. For distributors and retailers, the people who sell or rent out legitimate CDs, DVDs, the increased availability of pirate copies is a major threat to their businesses. Pirate profiteering doesn't just affect big businesses but everyone whose livelihood relies on sales of legitimate product - from technicians to retail staff; script writers to independent shop keepers.
Producers, songwriters, artists, distributors, and retailers make huge losses annually due to piracy. Latest figures by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) gives a total loss estimate of $ 4.2 billion worldwide each year in the recording industry. "Copyright" is a term of intellectual property law that prohibits the unauthorized duplication, adaptation or distribution of a creative work. Drawbacks on Music/Movie Producers Battle Against Piracy Consumer resistance to stop illegal download of digital media. Proliferation of File Sharing and P2P Networks For Music. Issues on consumer rights to distribution of digital media purchased.
Copyright Laws & Penalties for Infringement ACTS 1.Digital Millennium Copyright Act of The U.S. No Electronic Theft Law (NET Act) – U.S. Copyright Law PENALTIES Under Criminal Cases Sound recording infringements is Punishable by up to: 5yrs in prison + $250,000 in fine 10yrs in prison (repeat offenders) Online infringement is punishable up to: 3yrs in prison + $250,000 in fine 6yrs in prison (repeat offenders) Under Civil Cases Individuals can be held liable for damages or lost profits up to: $150,000 per work infringed.
Conclusion The growing trend and sophistication of internet and identity theft frauds, suggests that increased technology and social awareness should also be enhanced if they are to be controlled. Hacking will always exits, but with proper preventive controls, legislation, and technology, the risk can be mitigated. A child should be given restricted access to the internet, ideally on a need to know basis, and must be empowered to guarantee a safe online experience. The Battle against Piracy will continue to be a Rat Race if the motivation behind the fight against piracy is based on personal gains or financial rewards.