Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Delivering a more mutual NHS and improving the quality of Scotland’s health care through education & workforce development Helen Mackinnon Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery and AHPs Designated Director for PFPI Mutuality, Equality & Human Rights Board Friday 22 January 2010
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Contents of Presentation: This presentation outlines: NES’ strategic approach to supporting the Mutuality, Equality & Human Rights agenda Broad aims of education Patient Experience Patient Focus and Public Involvement Equality and Diversity Health Inequalities ‘Worked’ examples – Early Years and Dental
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development NES Approach to MEHRB agenda NES’ strategic approach to workforce development in support of MEHRB is evolutionary and is characterised by: Integration into main elements of our core business Exploitation of our existing infrastructure Innovation, learning from that, then implementation as appropriate into core business Dedication of small corporate staff resource to act as catalyst and to ensure cross-cutting NHS priorities are met
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Quality Healthcare _______________ Patients’ rights ___________________________ Empowerment of Patients _______________________________________ Skills & knowledge development for staff MEHRB Pyramid
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Aims of Education The aims of education to support the Mutuality, Equality and Human Rights agenda are to: 1.Contribute to improving the health of Scotland’s people and reducing health inequalities (Better Health, Better Care, Equally Well) 2.Support delivery of world-class quality healthcare (Quality Strategy) 3.Embed rights-based, coordinated and structured approach to person- centred health care into clinical priorities (HAI, patient safety, Shifting the Balance of Care, Long Term Conditions) 4.Empower NHS staff to empower patients, especially those in hard-to- reach or disadvantaged groups so that they may participate in the design and delivery of their health care (PFPI, Participation Standard; A Force for Improvement)
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Patient Experience Leading Better Care Little Things make a Big Difference Ensure integration of Better Together principles across all NES Directorates educational activity. Supporting frontline staff to enhance the patient experience with a focus around values based practice and communication through series of workshops being undertaken across NES directorates
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Patient Focus and Public Involvement Development of a Learning & Development Framework for all NHS staff Evaluation of online equality & diversity packages To provide support to NHS Boards to further embed community engagement and public involvement into their day-to-day practice through the development of a training resource for facilitators. Sensory Impairment Volunteering CEL (10) 2008
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Equality and Diversity Making NHSScotland vocational training schemes more equitable Recruitment and selection – We’re working with partners to ensure a robust and fair recruitment process. This includes: Effective process for making reasonable adjustments in assessment and interviewing (and we are developing case studies to share learning about these processes) Training selection panellists on equality & diversity in recruitment and selection Monitoring the equality profile of applicants through the recruitment process to assess the effectiveness of policies Playing a lead role on equality and diversity in the UK-wide GP recruitment process.
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Equality and Diversity Quality management/assurance –Underpinned by data collection Equality and diversity is also central to our approach to quality management of education. It is part of our Educational Governance Framework, and is also central to our quality management framework for medical training and our quality standards for practice education. Both review of recruitment and selection and quality management are underpinned by the collection of equalities data on applicants and trainees.
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Equality and Diversity Ensuring educational developments are sensitive to diverse needs EQIA Stakeholder engagement Educational development resources: eg, Testing for the Best
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Equality and Diversity Contribute to improving the cultural competence of the NHSScotland workforce Assessment of cultural competence pilot Educational resources to support improved, patient-centred services –Addressing LGBT Health Inequalities –guidance for the dental practices on the DDA and accessibility –Spiritual Care Matters resource on religion and belief. –Nutritional care in hospitals e-learning resource –10 Essential Shared Capabilities
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Health Inequalities To contribute to the development of an NHS workforce that is health inequalities aware and literate and who have the capability and capacity required to tackle health inequalities in response to ‘A Force for Improvement’. ‘Bridging the Gap’ learning resource: Introduces key evidence, issues and themes in health and social inequalities Provides access to a range of information on tackling health inequalities Recognise and describe key features of the widening health inequalities gap in Scotland Demonstrate an understanding of the contributing factors to health Explain the significance of health inequalities for service users Describe ways in which their practice is sensitive to the needs of patients, carers, service users and colleagues
Educational Solutions for Workforce Development Early Years Framework (Example) Core business for NES has been to support Scottish Government’s priorities on Early Years. Resources and activities include: Kinship and foster care – competency framework for nurses caring for ‘looked after’ children. GCU now offering a full course worked from these competencies Sexual Health – Sexual Health Competency Framework and Career Framework for nurses and midwives. Sex Factor and NES Children and Young People’s PPF GIRFEC – Early Years support worker preparation with Social Services and HMI. –Work on standardised training course for ST1, ST2 doctors across Scotland –Parenting – joint work with NHS QIS to support nurses and midwives to promote healthy parenting, NES Psychology targeting specialist needs more downstream