Requirements and Design ASN2CSV MDH: -Guido Di Campli -Giovanni Piemontese -Paolo D’Amelio FER: -Ivan Škugor -Željko Krpetić -Željko Knežević Steering group: -Igor Čavrak at FER -Rikard Lang at MDH - M.Sc. Branko Beslać from Ring datacom
Project requirements Tehnologies Project design Project status What will we talk about?
Program package is divided in four parts: –GUI –eSNACC modified program –Code generator –Converter System Package
To develop program package that can generate specific converters without need of any additional programming Functional Requirement 1/4
ASN.1 grammar view –The grammar should be presented as a tree view on the left side of the GUI ASN.1 grammar entities selection –Users can select checkboxes of entities in tree presentation that they want to have in output CSV file Functional requirements 2/4
Output formats –The right-click on entity in the tree view should display a list of possible output formats (text string, BCD string, hexadecimal string, decimal number, etc.) eSNACC –eSNACC modified program have to generate ANS.1 decoding routines that uses selected entities in the GUI Functional requirements 3/4
Code generator –The generated program should be compliable on any platform (UNIX, Windows, Mac OS) with a standard ANSI C compiler Converter –Converter should accept the following command line parameters: $ asn2csv –i -o [-d ] Functional requirements 4/4
System –System should be stable, without bugs –Debugging and tracing information GUI –GUI should be user friendly and easy to use Converter performace –Converter should be fast as possible Non-functional requirements
Software Architecture
Component Diagram
Use Case Diagram 1/2
Use Case Diagram 2/2
Sequence Diagram
GUI Example
Project status Activityw45w46w47w48w49w50w51w52w1 w2w3 Project plan Requirements analysis & definition System Design eSNACC modify Converter generator GUI Integration Testing Final Product 15