Think Pieces GTIP Think Piece - Teaching A Level Geography In this Think Piece, Bob Digby (Community Geographer for the Geographical Association) explores some of the issues that face PGCE students in teaching post- 16 groups. He argues that, for several reasons, they are often less confident about teaching this age group and that their teaching can be more didactic and teacher-centred than with other age groups. He argues that they need to be aware of the influence that geographical paradigms and pedagogies have in the various post-16 specifications for geography. He then provides three strategies that, he argues, can create enquiry-based classrooms for this age group and help to provide consistency with their teaching elsewhere.
Library: bibliography GTIP - Bibliography: Journals focusing on Geography Annals of the Association of American Geographers Antipode Area Children's Geographies Geography Compass Geography Progress in Human Geography Progress in Physical Geography The Geographical Journal Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Report: Identity, Diversity and Citizenship A Critical Review of Educational Resources
Library: Theory into Practice
GTE conference information and presentations