Unit 2 Atmosphere
Unit 2 Atmosphere Learning Targets: I can discuss key functions that the atmosphere serves that enables life to exist on Earth. I can explain factors that cause the dynamic balance in the atmosphere to change. I can discuss influences that humans have on the dynamic balance of the atmosphere. I can apply the law of conservation of energy and explore heat flow in real-life phenomena (atmosphere). I can model and explain the relationships and energy flow existing in various Earth systems (atmosphere) I can explain the processes of photosynthesis/respiration and describe the molecules associated. I can explain how the atmosphere shapes Earth’s climate and weather. I can use weather data to model the complex interactions responsible for weather and climate I can explore the causes, consequences and possible solutions to persistent, contemporary and emerging global issues relating to environmental quality (atmosphere).
Unit 2 Atmosphere Essential Questions 1.)What key functions does the atmosphere serve that enable life to exist on the planet? 2.)How does the atmosphere shape Earth’s climate and weather? 3.)What can cause the dynamic balance in the atmosphere to change and what influence do humans have? Photo by Pamela R. Cox 2013
1.What two entities shape Earth’s climate and weather patterns and make some regions more habitable than others? atmosphere and ocean San Juan Island, Washington in Puget Sound Photo by Pamela Cox June 2012
2.The atmosphere is a complex system in which physical and chemical reactions are constantly taking place. Storm at sunset, Elizabethtown, KY Photo by Pamela Cox 2012
3. What is meant by a dynamic balance? Condition of a system in which inflow of materials or energy equals flow.
solar energy radiant energy 4. Earth’s climate system maintains a dynamic balance between solar energy entering and radiant energy leaving the atmosphere.
5. Levels of oxygen in the atmosphere are regulated by a dynamic balance in the natural carbon cycle between processes that emit oxygen through photosynthesis and others that consume oxygen, such as respiration.
What creates wind motions that act to move heat form warm to cold regions? The fact that some parts of the planet receive more energy from the sun than others, and this uneven heating creates wind motions that act to move heat from warm to cold regions.
What dynamic balance are humans impacting? And why is this a problem? Humans are increasing greenhouse gas levels in the troposphere, which raises Earth's surface temperature by increasing the amount of heat radiated from the atmosphere back to the ground.