S CHEDULE See Sub Plans Independent Study
8 TH G RADE …NO COMPUTERS!! 8 out of 10 computers not plugged in! Computers stacked on top of each other! Must earn priviledge back! 2 Weeks
8 TH G RADE I NDEPENDENT S TUDY A SSIGNMENTS T2W11 D UE F EBRUARY 22 Name_______________________ Total Work Complete=___________ Mrssyfert.wikispaces.com Physical Education 5 PE Credits Due March 1 ____P.E Log-320 Minute ____****Water PE Article Grade______________ TW________________
L ESSON 4-9 Click…icon Click….computer Open 1. Review square roots with Packet 2. Do 4-9 together
M ATH - Through (All Students) ____Do go.hrw.com for lessons 4-6 and 4-9 Parent Signature_________________________________ ____Chapter 4 Lesson 9-all ____Square Root Packet ____Pythagorean Theorem Packet ____Pythagorean Theorem Sequence Chain ____Algebra Module Pg. 1-6 Grade___________ TW_______________ Into (Below Grade Level or getting D/F) _______Timed Multiplication Practice Activity Beyond…Extra Credit -Make a poster telling who Pythagoras was and what his theorem was used for. Objectives: Students will… -know how to find the square root of a number -know how to estimate “imperfect” square roots -Know how to use the Pythagorea n Theoram
8 TH G RADE A MERICAN H ISTORY T2-W EEK 11 Objectives: Students will…. (Lang.) Explain how the Fugitive Slave Act effected Northerners Explain what “popular sovereignty” is Describe the violence of “Bleeding Kansas”
L ESSON 15-2 Fugitive Slave Act Bubble Map! Kansas Nebraska Act See Map
R ESEARCH P APER Notecards…………Outline I. Introduction/Thesis Paragraph (G) II. Tribe Background (Y) III. Indian Removal Act (Y) IV. Effect of Act on Tribe (Y) V. Tribe Today (Y) VI. Conclusion (G) 1. Sources on plain side Notes on lined side
Into/Through (All Students) ____Read Ch. 15 Lesson 2 Pg Take Cornell Notes WEEKLY. ____Do 15-2 Questions Pg. 465 ____Workbook 15.1 and 15.2 ____Fugitive Save Act Bubble Map ____Map Activity ____Type the Body of your Report…spell check…print or to me Indian Report Due 3/1 Ch. 13 Powerpoint/packet Due 3/1 (Those with D/F on Ch. 13 Test) 4 Hours Community Service Due March 1 Grade_______ TW______________ Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) Do a Cause/Effect Map based on one of the reformers from Chapter 14 Powerpoint of Reformers
H OUSEKEEPING Stamp Grading Headings Note Check Attendance Drawing 4 Day Week! Happy Valentines Day! Sub Next Week! Water PE Article
8 TH G RADE P HYSICAL S CIENCE T2-W EEK 11 Objectives: Students will…. understand how positions are exhibited on a coordinate plane Map coordinates on a plane Understand how distance and direction are used to find a position on a map or coordinate plane
B ENCHMARK T EST Science Benchmark
Into/Through (All Students) ____Read Ch. 12 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes WEEKLY ____12-1 Questions Pg. 247 ____Worksheet 12-1 (Coordinate Plane) ____Good Fats/Bad Fats Questions Pg. 237 Ch. 10 Packet Due (For those with D’s and F’s on Ch. Test) Grade__________ TW__________ Beyond-Do poster Pg. 238 (**Counts for PE too!!)
8 TH G RADE L ANGUAGE A RTS T2-W EEK 11 Objectives: Students will…. understand what the characteristics of poetry are Identify poetic devices Paraphrase a poem Use a poem’s form to understand its meaning
R EDO S YMBOLISM P OSTER - D UE T ODAY Requirements: 1.Illustration 2.Definition of symbolism 3.Paragraph telling how Poe used symbolism 4.Title/Heading
P OETRY I NTRO -P G. 572 Powerpoint Make notes on Budget Vocabulary Matrix NOT EVERYTHING… you can finish at home!! Movie today! Louder than a bomb
M OVIE -”L OUDER T HAN A B OMB ” 1. Summary Planner 2. Write Summary at home!
I NTO (S TRATEGIC S TUDENTS ) ____I NTERACTIVE R EADER A CTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEK ’ S STORY ____F LUENCY B UILDER A CTIVITIES (3 PER WEEK ADMINISTERED BY P ARENT ) Through (All Students) ____*Read “Poetry Skills Focus” Pgs Do Reader Writer Notebook. ____Poetry Budget Vocabulary Matrix ____Questions Pg. 575 ____Questions Pg. 577 ____Read Poetry Reading Model Pgs Do Questions 2,3,4 on Pg (Use words!!) ____Summary of “Louder Than A Bomb” ____Bring the lyrics from one of your favorite songs (Off internet…no foul language…etc…bring more if you want…let’s have fun with this one!) ____Read Warriners Handbook Pgs Grade__________ TW__________ Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) Bring a poetry book
T ESTING /C ONFERENCE T IME Tests History Ch. 14
C H. 10 L ESSON 2-PPT PH Balance PPT
W ARRINERS H ANDBOOK Pg. 288 Proper Nouns
S LOPE Algebra Module
WEBSITE Go.hrw.com Use code on each lesson from book Example: mt8ca 2-9