Daily Agenda for November 11th and 12th Daily Agenda for November 11 th and 12 th DO NOW: From the front of the classroom, take a Do Now. The Biebs and the Shotput are chilling on my desk. Draw/ describe the forces acting on these guys! Homework due (place in inbox) Newton’s 1 st Law Video Analysis homework Tonight’s Homework: You’ll get these handouts later in class! Read and Study Chapter 4; answer #1-16 in Early Astronomer Guided Notes. Then, complete the questions on the HW handout: Watch video assignment and complete if you had difficulty over the weekend.
What’s the BIG idea? Where did Newton’s Law come from? How did people view motion in ancient times? What is a force? Can something be at rest and still have forces acting on it?
Do Now PART 1 Shot put and Justin Bieber: Describe the forces acting on the Shotput and Justin Bieber NOW (Why do the two objects stay at rest? Use pictures or words) Do Now PART 2 Shot put and Justin Bieber: Describe the forces on the shot put when I push it off the table (What happens to the shot put? What happened to Bieber? Why does it happen? Use pictures or words) Do Now: Force Diagrams What is holding them down? What is keeping the shot put from rolling off the edge? In which directions are these forces acting? **THINK ABOUT THE DEMOs FROM LAST LESSON!** What FORCE caused the shot put to fall? Why did the shot put stop moving? What force to be squished? In which directions are these forces acting? **THINK ABOUT THE DEMOs FROM LAST LESSON!**
Force Diagrams FORCES are VECTORS which means…
Force Diagrams Magnitude is represented by the Length of the Arrow Small Magnitude: Large Magnitude:
Force Diagrams Direction is represented by the way the arrow is pointed! Force due to Gravity: Force due to Friction: F Gravity F Friction
Go BACK to your Do Now Try creating a force diagram for both scenarios! We will review on board
Force Diagrams
Fs Fg FgFg FSFS F applied FfFf FgFg FfFf FfFf FgFg
Force Diagrams
FSFS FgFg F knife Or F applied FgFg FSFS FgFg FfFf FfFf
CHAPTER 4: Newton’s first law of Motion…inertia **DISCLAIMER** The information you are about to see does not represent the views, beliefs, or scientific facts held to be true by Mr. O’Connor, Mrs. Correia, Mrs. Warren and the scientific community. Please remember that the views expressed are those of really old, REALLY dead scientists who made amazing contributions but weren’t always correct.
Read Aristotle Answer a through d
WHO? Aristotle(A ριστοτέλης ) WHERE? Greece WHEN? 4 th Century B.C. WHAT? Natural motion vs. violent motion; objects belong at rest unless experiencing a push or pull, or returning to rest
Read Copernicus Answer e
WHO? Copernicus WHERE? Poland WHEN? WHAT? Earth and other planets move around the sun; his ideas were so controversial that people persecuted him (De Revolutionibus)
Read Galileo and Newton Answer f
WHO? Galileo Galilei WHERE? Italy WHEN? Late Renaissance ( ) WHAT? Need a force to KEEP an object moving ONLY if there is friction; objects resist change to states of motion (inertia); concerned with HOW not WHY things move
Close-up view of Galileo’s Inclined Plane Bells
Galileo’s Original Telescope
Newton’s Cradle (1600’s)
TONIGHT’S HOMEWORK Read and Study Chapter 4; answer #1-16 in Early Astronomer Guided Notes. Then, complete the questions on the HW handout: Watch video assignment and complete if you had difficulty over the weekend. Remember what the LENGTH and DIRECTION of the arrows mean EXIT SLIPS TURNED IN PLEASE!