Evidencing quality geography Task one
Evidencing Quality These photographs were submitted to evidence the following statement: 6 (d) Consideration is given to staff deployment, use of accommodation and learning resources and their potential impact on learning in geography.
Target review and Steps of progress Geography reading books Blue Cow is A Geographer! Sharing pupils and staff experiences Geography teacher in action
Resources from a country Geography of the classroom Linking to the curriculum Real time geography
Level descriptors: More being added over time adds interest Posters of key concepts for easy reference Geography club poster Enquiry questions Prominently displayed
Evidencing Quality 6 (d) Consideration is given to staff deployment, use of accommodation and learning resources and their potential impact on learning in geography. What evidence from your own teaching rooms would you submit? What commentary would you provide with it?
Evidencing quality geography Task two
Evidencing Quality Look at the following pieces of work, submitted to evidence 4 (a) The department includes students personal geographies as part of the curriculum. Teachers take account of students views, experiences and feelings about places and geographical issues.
Evidencing Quality 4 (a) The department includes students personal geographies as part of the curriculum. Teachers take account of students views, experiences and feelings about places and geographical issues. To what extent do you think the evidence supports the statement? Select pieces of work from your school that you think would best exemplify the statement.
Evidencing quality geography Task three
Evidencing Quality 5 (c ii) Pupils are involved regularly in assessment processes which are closely based on Assessment for Learning principles. Study the evidence on the next slide
Target Level/Grade Reflection Activity Place a Tick against the mark that you think the answer deserves. Please also make a comment about what was done well and what could have been improved. Level/MarkPeer Assessment Student Assessment Teacher Assessment NC Level 4/5 3 Marks Comment NC Level 6 6 Marks Comment NC Level 7/8 9 Marks Comment Teacher Comment
Evidencing Quality To what extent do you think the evidence supports the statement? How could this piece of evidence be enhanced? What evidence would you submit? 5 (c ii) Pupils are involved regularly in assessment processes which are closely based on Assessment for Learning principles.