Size of Armies (in thousands) dateSpain Dutch Rep. FranceEnglandSwedenRussia 1470s s s s s s s By 2d half of 17 th c. the trend toward standing armies was growing.
The Life of a 17 th c. Soldier Harsh and dangerous circumstances must be put into the context of the civilian experience Most soldiers no worse off in pay & living conditions Most soldiers no worse off in pay & living conditions certain duties received supplemental pay soldiers could “moonlight” for extra pay since campaigns were limited to the growing season [grass for horses factor] typically used for “public works” projects Soldiering was only marginally more dangerous than being a civilian Soldiering was only marginally more dangerous than being a civilian many times more likely to die of disease than from battle many served for an entire war w/o engaging in a pitched battle, although avoiding a siege was more difficult Kings frequently provided living subsistence for aged or wounded soldiers Kings frequently provided living subsistence for aged or wounded soldiers
17 th Century Military Developments Emergence of the “state commission army” [or “state mercenary army”] Emergence of the “state commission army” [or “state mercenary army”] Hybrid between “private contracting” and state recruitment/training of armies Dual chain of command – one military; one civilian Military: King appointed officers (nobles of the sword) who swore personal loyalty to him Military: King appointed officers (nobles of the sword) who swore personal loyalty to him Officers (captains and colonels) recruited companies (c. 100 men) and regiments (700-1,000 men) and bore the initial costs of training and equipping troops, who then received regular pay from Crown Prestige of command, rather than profit opportunities, most important incentive for nobility
17 th Century Military Developments Emergence of the “state commission army” [or “state mercenary army”] Emergence of the “state commission army” [or “state mercenary army”] Hybrid between “private contracting” and state recruitment/training of armies Dual chain of command – one military; one civilian Military: King appointed officers (nobles of the sword) who swore personal loyalty to him Military: King appointed officers (nobles of the sword) who swore personal loyalty to him Officers (captains and colonels) recruited companies (c. 100 men) and regiments (700-1,000 men) and bore the initial costs of training and equipping troops, who then received regular pay from Crown Prestige of command, rather than profit opportunities, most important incentive for nobility “state mercenary armies” consisting of volunteers, conscripts, “pressed,” foreign mercenary units; use of mercenaries now negotiated with governments, rather than entrepreneurs; represented a step in direction of true “national armies”
17 th Century Military Developments Emergence of the “state commission army” [or “state mercenary army”] Emergence of the “state commission army” [or “state mercenary army”] Hybrid between “private contracting” and state recruitment/training of armies Dual chain of command – one military; one civilian Military: King appointed officers (nobles of the sword) who swore personal loyalty to him Military: King appointed officers (nobles of the sword) who swore personal loyalty to him Civilian: Nobles of the robe (as royal bureaucrats) arrange with civilian contractors to provide supplies Civilian: Nobles of the robe (as royal bureaucrats) arrange with civilian contractors to provide supplies Logistics/supply issues come to fore Logistics network begins reduction of the “tax of violence” on civilian populations, especially “friends”
17 th Century Military Developments Emergence of the “state commission army” Emergence of the “state commission army” Hybrid between “private contracting” and state recruitment/training of armies Dual chain of command – one military; one civilian Direction of military operations exclusively vested in monarch Trend to standardization of drill, weaponry, and clothing (uniforms) – model regiment of Col. Martinet Role of “financiers”, foreign and domestic, to fund the costs of the new militarized state “Development of this semi-professional state military establishment was the major accomplishment of the absolute state.” Upton, p. 124
17 th Century Military Developments Revival of fortifications and siege warfare Revival of fortifications and siege warfare Marshal Vauban – “poacher turned gamekeeper” Conducted 53 sieges from Constructed line of 33 fortresses on France’s expanding northeastern and southern borders and strengthened defenses of 300 others Fell from grace and exiled from Versailles a year before his death for proposing “tax reform”
17 th Century Military Developments Emergence of the “state commission army” Emergence of the “state commission army” Revival of fortifications and siege warfare Revival of fortifications and siege warfare Weapons change Weapons change flintlock replacing matchlock flintlock replacing matchlock socket bayonet replacing pike socket bayonet replacing pike
17 th Century Military Developments Emergence of the “state commission army” Emergence of the “state commission army” Revival of fortifications and siege warfare Revival of fortifications and siege warfare Weapons changes Weapons changes Tactical changes Tactical changes Pike squares give way to linear battalions (700-1,000 men arranged into 6 rows (ranks) covering a 200 m. front) Cavalry re-emerge as significant military component Had declined from between 1/3 rd to ½ of military elements in late 15 th c. to 10% by mid-16 th c.... Now back to 1/3rd by end of 17 th c. Role changed from primary “shock weapon” to reconnaissance and pursuit of broken formations