Architects of Transformation 1 U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Soldier as a System (SaaS) Overview Prepared for The National Defense Industry Association 14 May 2003 Architects of Transformation
2 “The Army Vision begins by talking about people, and it ends talking about people because soldiers--not equipment--soldiers are the centerpiece of our formation.” General Eric V. Shinseki Chief of Staff United States Army 17 October 2000
Architects of Transformation 3 SOLDIER as a SYSTEM (SaaS) Task and Purpose Provide all individual Soldiers with superior capabilities to accomplish assigned task or conduct missions against any opponent based on a DOTMLPF approach to modernization.
Architects of Transformation 4 SCOPE of SaaS The Soldier as a System is the individual Soldier (human) and everything the Soldier wears, carries or consumes (to include man- portable systems). The Soldier as a System must include physiological (“skin in”) as well as applied “skin out” capabilities and considerations in an operational environment (both natural and man induced) that ranges from home station to the battlefield.
Architects of Transformation 5 THE SOLDIER IS A SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS
Architects of Transformation 6 LET’S FILL HIM UP!
Architects of Transformation 7 LET’S FILL HIM UP! Worn: Uniform: 8.07 lbs LCE: 14.1 lbs Pads:.8 lbs Helmet: 3.7 lbs Body Armor: 16.4 lbs M40 P-Mask: 3.10 lbs Sub Total: lbs 46 lbs
Architects of Transformation 8 LET’S FILL HIM UP!
Architects of Transformation 9 LET’S FILL HIM UP! Carried: Rucksack: 6 lbs MREs: 2.6 lbs Clothing: 4.5 lbs E-Tool: 2.5 lbs 2-quart: 4.8 lbs Bivy w/ WP Bag: 2.8 lbs Poncho w/liner: 3.1 lbs Sub Total: 22.7 lbs 64 lbs
Architects of Transformation 10 LET’S FILL HIM UP!
Architects of Transformation 11 LET’S FILL HIM UP! Weapon & Optics: M4 w/ 30 rds: 7.4 lbs Cleaning Kit:.8 lbs AN/PVS-14: 1.2 lbs M-68 CCO:.7 lbs PEQ-2A.28 lbs PLGR: 2.8 lbs MBITR: 2.0 lbs M22 Binos: 3.6 lbs Sub Total: lbs 83 lbs
Architects of Transformation 12 PASS THE AMMUNITION
Architects of Transformation 13 LET’S FILL HIM UP! Class V: 6 x 30 rds: 6.4 lbs 2 x 60mm rds: 7.0 lbs AT4: 14.8 lbs Claymore: 4.0 lbs 2 x Frags:.7 lbs 1 x smoke: 1.4 lbs Sub Total: 34.3 lbs 117 lbs
Architects of Transformation 14 GO GO JUICE!
Architects of Transformation 15 LET’S FILL HIM UP! Batteries: AA Battery x 8:.32 lbs CCO Battery:.04 lbs MBTIR Battery: 0.5 lbs PLGR Battery:2.3 lbs Sub Total: 3.2 lbs 120 lbs
Architects of Transformation 16 OLD METHOD Requirements / Needs Army SoldierInfantryman FA SoldierAVN SoldierMP SoldierEN SoldierQM Soldier TSM SOLDIER USAIC DCD PMs Individual DCDs Various PMs
Architects of Transformation 17 THE ARMY HAD NO APPROVED CONCEPT TO: 1.Establish a management structure and process to insure the FULL INTEGRATION of the Soldier in current and future Objective Force Organization and Operational Concepts. 2.Ensure an individual SOLDIER MODERNIZATION STRATEGY that provides a SaaS architecture that is fully integrated and maintains pace with current Objective Force concepts and programs. 3.Provide a GUIDELINE TO RESOLVE Soldier Doctrine, Organizations, Training, Materiel, Leader Development, Personnel and Facilities (DOTMLPF) issues.
Architects of Transformation 18 WHERE WE’RE HEADED
Architects of Transformation 19 SaaS VISION SaaS will: Assist in IDENTIFYING AND DEVELOPING valid requirements ALIGN SaaS MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE and processes within the Soldier community that will address Soldier DOTMLPF issues Facilitate a more EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE USE OF SOLDIER FUNDING as well as the establishment of the Soldier Systems Architecture.
Architects of Transformation 20 SaaS MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE Natick – Soldier Center PM PEO Soldier OFTF HQDA G8 G3 HQ TRADOC TRADOC Proponent DCDs SaaS Cell TSM Soldier USAIC - DCD SaaS Cell CG, US Army Infantry Center
Architects of Transformation 21 NEW METHOD Integrated Concept Team (ICT) Requirements / Needs Soldier as a System USAIC – Lead All TRADOC Proponents TSM Soldier PEO Soldier - Individual PMs Natick Others HQ DA Staff Industry Joint Community Academia
Architects of Transformation 22 SaaS FIELDING TO THE FULL SPECTRUM OF SOLDIERS Current Soldier – Stryker Soldier – Objective Force Soldier
Architects of Transformation 23 HOW DOES INDUSTRY APPLY TO SaaS? Industry is a key partner in fielding our soldiers with the best equipment in the world. Industry must work with The Army to integrate systems that increase lethality, lighten load and mitigate competing materiel solutions. Industry is invited to attend the SaaS quarterly meetings.
Architects of Transformation 24 SaaS ICT SCHEDULE Upcoming SaaS events: –ICT / VTC 10 Jun 03 –ICT Conference 2 Aug 03 (Tentative location – Ft. Monroe) POC to attend is: Mr. Dave Libersat, (706) , Homepage:
Architects of Transformation 25 U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Soldier as a System (SaaS) Overview Prepared for The National Defense Industry Association 14 May 2003 Architects of Transformation